

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:59

jquery Programming Glossary: start_time

Jquery time difference in hours from two fields


two fields in my form where users select an input time start_time end_time I would like to on the change of these fields recalcuate.. of hours between 2 times. So for instance if I have a start_time of 5 30 and an end time of 7 50 I would like to put the result.. times are in the format HH MM SS So far I have tried... '#start_time #end_time' .on 'change' function var start_time '#start_time'..

jQuery / Programmatically Select an Option in Select Box


18 00 00 6 00 pm option select And if my JSON value is var start_time data 0 .start Let's say this is '17 00 00' How can I using jQuery..

Find out how long an Ajax request took to complete


things... makeRequest function Set start time var start_time new Date .getTime .ajax async true success getRquestSuccessFunction.. .getTime .ajax async true success getRquestSuccessFunction start_time getRquestSuccessFunction function start_time return function.. start_time getRquestSuccessFunction function start_time return function data textStatus request var request_time new..

How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel?


px Start the animation start function var self this var start_time new Date .getTime var freq 1 this.options.duration var interval.. setInterval function var elapsed_time new Date .getTime start_time if elapsed_time self.options.duration var f elapsed_time freq..

Jquery time difference in hours from two fields


time difference in hours from two fields I have two fields in my form where users select an input time start_time end_time I would like to on the change of these fields recalcuate the value for another field. What I would like to do is.. for another field. What I would like to do is get the amount of hours between 2 times. So for instance if I have a start_time of 5 30 and an end time of 7 50 I would like to put the result 2 33 into another field. My inputted form times are in the.. to put the result 2 33 into another field. My inputted form times are in the format HH MM SS So far I have tried... '#start_time #end_time' .on 'change' function var start_time '#start_time' .val var end_time '#end_time' .val var diff new Date end_time..

jQuery / Programmatically Select an Option in Select Box


pm option option value 17 00 00 5 00 pm option option value 18 00 00 6 00 pm option select And if my JSON value is var start_time data 0 .start Let's say this is '17 00 00' How can I using jQuery make the option with value '17 00 00' selected option..

Find out how long an Ajax request took to complete


Is this even a good way to do this I feel like I'm over complicating things... makeRequest function Set start time var start_time new Date .getTime .ajax async true success getRquestSuccessFunction start_time getRquestSuccessFunction function start_time.. makeRequest function Set start time var start_time new Date .getTime .ajax async true success getRquestSuccessFunction start_time getRquestSuccessFunction function start_time return function data textStatus request var request_time new Date .getTime.. new Date .getTime .ajax async true success getRquestSuccessFunction start_time getRquestSuccessFunction function start_time return function data textStatus request var request_time new Date .getTime start_time javascript jquery jquery ajax xmlhttprequest..

How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel?


amount real_value.substring 0 real_value.length 2 unit px Start the animation start function var self this var start_time new Date .getTime var freq 1 this.options.duration var interval setInterval function var elapsed_time new Date .getTime.. Date .getTime var freq 1 this.options.duration var interval setInterval function var elapsed_time new Date .getTime start_time if elapsed_time self.options.duration var f elapsed_time freq for var i in self.rules for var j in self.rules i .changes..