

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:58

jquery Programming Glossary: stage

BackboneJS Rendering Problems


the subviews override to destroy jQuery plugin instances unstage function if this.views return var i l this.views.length for.. this.views override to setup jQuery plugin instances stage function destroy the view destroy function this.unstage this.remove.. stage function destroy the view destroy function this.unstage this.remove this.off if this.collection this.collection.off..

Pikachoose/Fancybox Integration - navigation arrows on the lightbox


display next and previous arrows but not on the pikachoose stage and I'm having a bit of trouble. I tried to add the options.. attributes a and img tags respectively inside the .pika stage container. As a workaround you would need to built the fancybox..

Stop IE from loading dynamically included script twice


on the appropriate part of the page. We are using this two stage approach to be able to do some basic processing before deciding..

dynamic drop down box?


at a time will show you what the script is doing at each stage. FILE 1 TESTER.PHP html head script src ajax.googleapis.com..

Remember (persist) the filter, sort order and current page of jqGrid


makes its first data request is a little beyond me at this stage. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing with..

jQuery Mobile - Dynamically creating form elements


seem to be any obvious way to call into this at this stage of course it's an alpha release and I think this would be a..

jQuery Preloading images for animation


the number of total images in the sequence 6 or 12 at this stage and the naming convention for images is as follows Brand_Product_Category_ProductID_SequenceNo.jpg...

does location of e.preventDefault() matter


the MDC link given above Calling preventDefault during any stage of event flow cancels the event meaning that any default action..

How do you stop Chrome and Opera sorting JSON objects by Index ASC?


this I'll just have to not bother sorting at the SQL stage and add extra looping and sorting into an array in the JS stage.. and add extra looping and sorting into an array in the JS stage although I wanted to avoid more stress on the browser as its..

jQuery/Javascript function to clear all the fields of a form [duplicate]


question already has an answer here Resetting a multi stage form with jQuery 25 answers I am looking for a jQuery..

Return a List<E> from a view in view model


td td @Html.CheckBoxFor x x.Selected td tr OK so at this stage we haven't yet written the javascript part so this should behave..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button.. standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills out a stage then returns later the 'remembered'.. form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills out a stage then returns later the 'remembered' values for the various fields..

JQuery - Storing ajax response into global variable


xml success function data xml data ... at a later stage do something with the 'xml' object var foo xml .find 'something'..

Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe


the editor. However since CKEditor is still in it's beta stage and severely lacks documentation I cannot seem to find a suitable..

Removing <link> element with jQuery?


useful since this allows you to enable it again at a later stage if you'd want to. document.styleSheets 0 .disabled true EDIT..

BackboneJS Rendering Problems


initialize function list of subviews this.views handle the subviews override to destroy jQuery plugin instances unstage function if this.views return var i l this.views.length for i 0 i l i i 1 this.views i .destroy this.views override.. i l this.views.length for i 0 i l i i 1 this.views i .destroy this.views override to setup jQuery plugin instances stage function destroy the view destroy function this.unstage this.remove this.off if this.collection this.collection.off null.. this.views override to setup jQuery plugin instances stage function destroy the view destroy function this.unstage this.remove this.off if this.collection this.collection.off null null this if this.model this.model.off null null this..

Pikachoose/Fancybox Integration - navigation arrows on the lightbox


how to fancybox I'm trying to get the lightbox to display next and previous arrows but not on the pikachoose stage and I'm having a bit of trouble. I tried to add the options of showNavArrows true in the fancybox section of the script.. every image is displayed toggling dynamically its href and src attributes a and img tags respectively inside the .pika stage container. As a workaround you would need to built the fancybox group of elements BEFORE binding your html structure to..

Stop IE from loading dynamically included script twice


another javascript file which finally injects some content on the appropriate part of the page. We are using this two stage approach to be able to do some basic processing before deciding whether to include the final content which could take some..

dynamic drop down box?


I left in several commented lines that if uncommented one at a time will show you what the script is doing at each stage. FILE 1 TESTER.PHP html head script src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.8.3 jquery.min.js script script type text..

Remember (persist) the filter, sort order and current page of jqGrid


the page to load these and set them in the grid before it makes its first data request is a little beyond me at this stage. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing with jqGrid Thanks jquery cookies persistence jqgrid filtering..

jQuery Mobile - Dynamically creating form elements


happen. Taking a quick look through the source there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to call into this at this stage of course it's an alpha release and I think this would be a reasonably common request so I'm hopeful it will come . Is there..

jQuery Preloading images for animation


new Image image_preload.src newsrc Where frames is the number of total images in the sequence 6 or 12 at this stage and the naming convention for images is as follows Brand_Product_Category_ProductID_SequenceNo.jpg. What I'm trying to do..

does location of e.preventDefault() matter


everything else in the function are abandoned. As said in the MDC link given above Calling preventDefault during any stage of event flow cancels the event meaning that any default action normally taken by the implementation as a result of the..

How do you stop Chrome and Opera sorting JSON objects by Index ASC?


n as person loop they'll be out of order. If I can't get around this I'll just have to not bother sorting at the SQL stage and add extra looping and sorting into an array in the JS stage although I wanted to avoid more stress on the browser as.. this I'll just have to not bother sorting at the SQL stage and add extra looping and sorting into an array in the JS stage although I wanted to avoid more stress on the browser as its already a Js heavy page. Many thanks jquery json google chrome..

jQuery/Javascript function to clear all the fields of a form [duplicate]


function to clear all the fields of a form duplicate This question already has an answer here Resetting a multi stage form with jQuery 25 answers I am looking for a jQuery function that will clear all the fields of a form after having..

Return a List<E> from a view in view model


x.Foo td td @Html.DisplayFor x x.Bar @Html.HiddenFor x x.Bar td td @Html.CheckBoxFor x x.Selected td tr OK so at this stage we haven't yet written the javascript part so this should behave as a normal HTML form and when it is submitted it will..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear.. reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills out a stage then returns later the 'remembered' values for the various fields won't reset when the.. type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills out a stage then returns later the 'remembered' values for the various fields won't reset when the Clear button is clicked. I'm thinking..

JQuery - Storing ajax response into global variable


code var xml ... get the file .ajax type GET url test.xml dataType xml success function data xml data ... at a later stage do something with the 'xml' object var foo xml .find 'something' .attr 'somethingElse' jquery xml ajax response share..

Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe


content or some other hidden field with any changes made in the editor. However since CKEditor is still in it's beta stage and severely lacks documentation I cannot seem to find a suitable API call that'll enable me to do so. Does anyone have..

Removing <link> element with jQuery?


to the element will not be removed this is particularly useful since this allows you to enable it again at a later stage if you'd want to. document.styleSheets 0 .disabled true EDIT in reply to your comment Or if you want to remove it by the..