

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:59

jquery Programming Glossary: starttime

jQuery Validation plugin won't validate when in click event handler of


date name date value class required date br Time input id startTime name startTime value class required br Logo input id logo name.. value class required date br Time input id startTime name startTime value class required br Logo input id logo name logo value class..

page load time with Jquery


In your head i.e. as early as possible script var startTime new Date .getTime script script src http ajax.googleapis.com.. endTime new Date .getTime var millisecondsLoading endTime startTime Put millisecondsLoading in a hidden form field or Ajax it back..

jquery .animate periodocially not running


triggers the swipe target jQuery '.pageSize' startX 0 startTime 0 touch ontouchend in document startEvent touch 'touchstart'.. function e prevent image drag Firefox e.preventDefault startTime e.timeStamp startX e.originalEvent.touches e.originalEvent.touches.. 0 .pageX e.pageX .bind endEvent function e startTime 0 startX 0 .bind moveEvent function e e.preventDefault var currentX..

jQuery / Programmatically Select an Option in Select Box


example I have a select box this is shortened select id startTime option value 14 00 00 2 00 pm option option value 15 00 00 3..

Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault


event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener.. var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener 'load' function var target document.querySelector..

$(window).unload wait for AJAX call to finish before leaving a webpage


my jquery code document .ready function var teid TEID var startTime new Date .getTime window .unload function var timeSpentMilliseconds.. function var timeSpentMilliseconds new Date .getTime startTime var t timeSpentMilliseconds 1000 60 .ajax type 'POST' url '..

Determining Long Tap (Long Press, Tap Hold) on Android with jQuery


fire after user releases his finger after a long tap. var startTime endTime var gbMove false window.addEventListener 'touchstart'.. false window.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event startTime new Date .getTime gbMove false false window.addEventListener.. function event endTime new Date .getTime if gbMove endTime startTime 1000 2 alert 'tap hold event' false share improve this answer..

In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute?


script type text javascript document .ready function startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #withoutcontext.. s .someclass #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass.. #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #somecontainer..

jQuery Validation plugin won't validate when in click event handler of


location name location value class required br Date input id date name date value class required date br Time input id startTime name startTime value class required br Logo input id logo name logo value class url span id addPicture onclick displayPicture.. value class required br Date input id date name date value class required date br Time input id startTime name startTime value class required br Logo input id logo name logo value class url span id addPicture onclick displayPicture 'tournamentLogo'..

page load time with Jquery


not going to be terribly accurate. But this should work reasonably. In your head i.e. as early as possible script var startTime new Date .getTime script script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.3.2 jquery.min.js script script window .load.. 1.3.2 jquery.min.js script script window .load function var endTime new Date .getTime var millisecondsLoading endTime startTime Put millisecondsLoading in a hidden form field or Ajax it back to the server or whatever. script The key is this behavior..

jquery .animate periodocially not running


if 1000 ms 1 sec maxDistance 50 swipe movement of 50 pixels triggers the swipe target jQuery '.pageSize' startX 0 startTime 0 touch ontouchend in document startEvent touch 'touchstart' 'mousedown' moveEvent touch 'touchmove' 'mousemove' endEvent.. endEvent touch 'touchend' 'mouseup' target.bind startEvent function e prevent image drag Firefox e.preventDefault startTime e.timeStamp startX e.originalEvent.touches e.originalEvent.touches 0 .pageX e.pageX .bind endEvent function e startTime.. e.timeStamp startX e.originalEvent.touches e.originalEvent.touches 0 .pageX e.pageX .bind endEvent function e startTime 0 startX 0 .bind moveEvent function e e.preventDefault var currentX e.originalEvent.touches e.originalEvent.touches 0 .pageX..

jQuery / Programmatically Select an Option in Select Box


need some help in pre selecting items in a drop down box. For example I have a select box this is shortened select id startTime option value 14 00 00 2 00 pm option option value 15 00 00 3 00 pm option option value 16 00 00 4 00 pm option option value..

Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault


script var delay 200 var haltEvent function event event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener 'load' function var target document.querySelector.. event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener 'load' function var target document.querySelector '#target' var status document.querySelector..

$(window).unload wait for AJAX call to finish before leaving a webpage


time on a previous page let's say two minutes . Here is my jquery code document .ready function var teid TEID var startTime new Date .getTime window .unload function var timeSpentMilliseconds new Date .getTime startTime var t timeSpentMilliseconds.. var teid TEID var startTime new Date .getTime window .unload function var timeSpentMilliseconds new Date .getTime startTime var t timeSpentMilliseconds 1000 60 .ajax type 'POST' url ' clientarea utils record time' data 'teid ' teid ' t ' t How..

Determining Long Tap (Long Press, Tap Hold) on Android with jQuery


share improve this question Timers not used but will only fire after user releases his finger after a long tap. var startTime endTime var gbMove false window.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event startTime new Date .getTime gbMove false false.. finger after a long tap. var startTime endTime var gbMove false window.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event startTime new Date .getTime gbMove false false window.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event gbMove true false window.addEventListener..

In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute?


javascript src http code.jquery.com jquery 1.6.1.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new.. function startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #somecontainer #withcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds.. startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #withoutcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime startTime new Date .getTime for i 0 i 10000 i s .someclass #somecontainer #withcontext .html elapsedMilliseconds startTime ..