jquery Programming Glossary: reel
360 degrees rotating view in JavaScript [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2755472/360-degrees-rotating-view-in-javascript far looking for others to evaluate. http jquery.vostrel.cz reel javascript jquery html share improve this question try..
Help with auto-rotating infinite jquery carousel. Can not get carousel to loop infinitely instead of 'rewind' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3738640/help-with-auto-rotating-infinite-jquery-carousel-can-not-get-carousel-to-loop-i blackBG 165x98.png div div class window ul class image_reel li a href MLB Philadelphia Phillies Tickets title Phillies img.. active var imageWidth .window .width var imageSum .image_reel img .size var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum .image_reel.. img .size var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum .image_reel .css 'width' imageReelWidth rotate function var triggerID active.attr..
redirecting the page after a video plays using an html5 video player http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5208561/redirecting-the-page-after-a-video-plays-using-an-html5-video-player plays using an html5 video player I am making a video reel a portfolio website using wordpress as my backend and the videojs..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript div class main_view div class window div class image_reel div div div class paging a href # rel 1 1 a a href # rel 2.. outside of the set width height position relative .image_reel position absolute top 0 left 0 .image_reel img float left Paging.. relative .image_reel position absolute top 0 left 0 .image_reel img float left Paging Styles .paging position absolute bottom..
Creating a Jquery Plugin for Image Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944935/creating-a-jquery-plugin-for-image-slider div class main_view div class window div class image_reel a href # img width 948 src Images Home LIV.jpg alt a a href.. how many there are then determin the size of the image reel. var imageWidth windowObj.imageWidth var imageSum windowObj.imagesum.. 1 var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum Adjust the image reel to its new size .image_reel .css 'width' imageReelWidth Paging..
360 degrees rotating view in JavaScript [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2755472/360-degrees-rotating-view-in-javascript These are usually done in flash I have found this plugin so far looking for others to evaluate. http jquery.vostrel.cz reel javascript jquery html share improve this question try these http www.mathieusavard.info threesixty demo.html http..
Help with auto-rotating infinite jquery carousel. Can not get carousel to loop infinitely instead of 'rewind' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3738640/help-with-auto-rotating-infinite-jquery-carousel-can-not-get-carousel-to-loop-i 0 padding 0 border 0 img src content template_images wanalogo blackBG 165x98.png div div class window ul class image_reel li a href MLB Philadelphia Phillies Tickets title Phillies img src content template_images Banners SideBanner imgscroll1.jpg.. .ready function .paging .show .paging a first .addClass active var imageWidth .window .width var imageSum .image_reel img .size var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum .image_reel .css 'width' imageReelWidth rotate function var triggerID active.attr.. active var imageWidth .window .width var imageSum .image_reel img .size var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum .image_reel .css 'width' imageReelWidth rotate function var triggerID active.attr rel 1 Get number of times to slide var image_reelPosition..
redirecting the page after a video plays using an html5 video player http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5208561/redirecting-the-page-after-a-video-plays-using-an-html5-video-player the page after a video plays using an html5 video player I am making a video reel a portfolio website using wordpress as my backend and the videojs html5 video player with each video in a different post...
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript none div id slideshowContentArea style display none width 255px div class main_view div class window div class image_reel div div div class paging a href # rel 1 1 a a href # rel 2 2 a a href # rel 3 3 a a href # rel 4 4 a div div div style.. height 286px width 790px overflow hidden Hides anything outside of the set width height position relative .image_reel position absolute top 0 left 0 .image_reel img float left Paging Styles .paging position absolute bottom 40px right 7px.. Hides anything outside of the set width height position relative .image_reel position absolute top 0 left 0 .image_reel img float left Paging Styles .paging position absolute bottom 40px right 7px width 178px height 47px z index 100 Assures..
Creating a Jquery Plugin for Image Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944935/creating-a-jquery-plugin-for-image-slider way to use this site. Thanks in Advance. Link to JsFiddle Akshay div class main_view div class window div class image_reel a href # img width 948 src Images Home LIV.jpg alt a a href # img width 948 src Images Home JUM.jpg alt a a href # img.. windowObj .paging a first .addClass active Get size of images how many there are then determin the size of the image reel. var imageWidth windowObj.imageWidth var imageSum windowObj.imagesum 1 var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum Adjust the.. windowObj.imageWidth var imageSum windowObj.imagesum 1 var imageReelWidth imageWidth imageSum Adjust the image reel to its new size .image_reel .css 'width' imageReelWidth Paging Slider Function rotate function var triggerID active.attr..