jquery Programming Glossary: recreateform
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 to the server options.processing true return editSettings recreateForm true jqModal false reloadAfterSubmit false closeOnEscape true.. true onclickSubmit onclickSubmitLocal addSettings recreateForm true jqModal false reloadAfterSubmit false savekey true 13 closeOnEscape..
jqgrid - Set the custom_value of edittype: 'custom' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3416572/jqgrid-set-the-custom-value-of-edittype-custom parameter of editGridRow function solve your problem recreateForm true Without using of the parameter the function myelem will.. edit always the same row. After including of the parameter recreateForm true the form will be created every time . By the way I set.. jQuery.jgrid.edit closeAfterAdd true closeAfterEdit true recreateForm true ... Then I don't need set this parameters later. During..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert ajaxEditOptions contentType application json recreateForm true serializeEditData function postData if postData.exercise_value..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box true del false search false refresh false edit options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm.. true onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues UPDATED I updated.. row.attr 'id' _state .html newOptions editGridRowOptions recreateForm true onclickPgButtons function whichButton form rowid var row..
In jqGrid, can you double click a row to bring up the edit form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4982635/in-jqgrid-can-you-double-click-a-row-to-bring-up-the-edit-form function rowid jQuery this .jqGrid 'editGridRow' rowid recreateForm true closeAfterEdit true closeOnEscape true reloadAfterSubmit..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add true del true search true refresh true closeOnEscape true recreateForm true width 600 myGrid.jqGrid 'filterToolbar' defaultSearch 'cn'.. improve this question You misunderstand the meaning of recreateForm . I try to explain why it is needed. The method navGrid has.. one dialog will be shared as Add and Edit dialog. If recreateForm is used that the previously created and now hidden dialog will..
Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6495172/customizing-the-add-edit-dialog-in-jqgrid add true del false search false refresh true edit options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose function resetStatesValues.. false onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose function resetStatesValues..
jqGrid, how to add a row in any position inside the grid via modal form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8433499/jqgrid-how-to-add-a-row-in-any-position-inside-the-grid-via-modal-form should has class DataTD ui widget content edit options recreateForm true beforeShowForm function form var formRow form.find '#tr_Name'..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 true 100 the most important step skip ajax request to the server options.processing true return editSettings recreateForm true jqModal false reloadAfterSubmit false closeOnEscape true savekey true 13 closeAfterEdit true onclickSubmit onclickSubmitLocal.. false closeOnEscape true savekey true 13 closeAfterEdit true onclickSubmit onclickSubmitLocal addSettings recreateForm true jqModal false reloadAfterSubmit false savekey true 13 closeOnEscape true closeAfterAdd true onclickSubmit onclickSubmitLocal..
jqgrid - Set the custom_value of edittype: 'custom' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3416572/jqgrid-set-the-custom-value-of-edittype-custom there are a simple solution for complex problems. One additional parameter of editGridRow function solve your problem recreateForm true Without using of the parameter the function myelem will be called only one time at the first edit of the selected row.. the form will be cached and not recreated . So you will be edit always the same row. After including of the parameter recreateForm true the form will be created every time . By the way I set some general settings which I use in all jqGrids per extending.. and jQuery.jgrid.nav . For example I use always jQuery.extend jQuery.jgrid.edit closeAfterAdd true closeAfterEdit true recreateForm true ... Then I don't need set this parameters later. During writing of the answer http stackoverflow.com questions 3054811..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert some default options used for add edit jQuery.extend jQuery.jgrid.edit ajaxEditOptions contentType application json recreateForm true serializeEditData function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box edit on double click .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' edit true add true del false search false refresh false edit options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues UPDATED.. false search false refresh false edit options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true onClose function resetStatesValues UPDATED I updated the code above to make it working with in case of form editing.. row countryElem.closest 'tr.jqgrow' select# .jgrid.jqID row.attr 'id' _state .html newOptions editGridRowOptions recreateForm true onclickPgButtons function whichButton form rowid var row '#' .jgrid.jqID rowid countryId if whichButton 'next' row..
In jqGrid, can you double click a row to bring up the edit form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4982635/in-jqgrid-can-you-double-click-a-row-to-bring-up-the-edit-form
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add gc jQuery #rowed2 .jqGrid 'navGrid' #prowed2 edit true add true del true search true refresh true closeOnEscape true recreateForm true width 600 myGrid.jqGrid 'filterToolbar' defaultSearch 'cn' stringResult true jquery forms jqgrid share improve this.. 'cn' stringResult true jquery forms jqgrid share improve this question You misunderstand the meaning of recreateForm . I try to explain why it is needed. The method navGrid has up to 7 parameters. You use only prmEdit but not set the prmAdd.. created dialog will be not closed and only hide instead. Moreover one dialog will be shared as Add and Edit dialog. If recreateForm is used that the previously created and now hidden dialog will be destroyed and the the new one will be created. In your..
Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6495172/customizing-the-add-edit-dialog-in-jqgrid edit on double click .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' edit true add true del false search false refresh true edit options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose.. refresh true edit options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose function resetStatesValues add options recreateForm true viewPagerButtons false onClose function resetStatesValues UPDATED See UPDATED 2 part of the answer for the most recent..
jqGrid, how to add a row in any position inside the grid via modal form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8433499/jqgrid-how-to-add-a-row-in-any-position-inside-the-grid-via-modal-form in the column for the data for the input of modification should has class DataTD ui widget content edit options recreateForm true beforeShowForm function form var formRow form.find '#tr_Name' 'Name' in the column name after which you want insert..