jquery Programming Glossary: redundant
jquery fade slide panel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10061847/jquery-fade-slide-panel pub sub pattern which makes things easier. We minimize the redundant code. And the work flow is easier to follow. I would strongly..
CSS bubbling while using jQuery Quicksand http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10302280/css-bubbling-while-using-jquery-quicksand
Popups common to all pages in jQuery Mobile site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12064321/popups-common-to-all-pages-in-jquery-mobile-site popups on each of the pages but this will create a lot of redundant code which may be hard to maintain. I can probably make my server..
jquery validation plugin and submitHandler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12986088/jquery-validation-plugin-and-submithandler with the submitHandler inside the validation code. This is redundant and the .click handler should be removed in favor of the submitHandler..
Hide redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13565718/hide-redundant-error-message-in-asp-net-validationsummary redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary I have a asp.net.. message if fired two times though the error message is redundant. I need to display only one error message even though there..
Nested JSON objects - do I have to use arrays for everything? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098276/nested-json-objects-do-i-have-to-use-arrays-for-everything result.data 1 .otherstuff 0 .thing 0 This seems clumsy and redundant to me if possible I would prefer result.stuff.onetype 0 and..
When do browsers start to render partially transmitted HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203751/when-do-browsers-start-to-render-partially-transmitted-html div body html It may appear at first that #one .hide is redundant but that's not true. .placeholder .hide is called before jQuery..
jQuery and MooTools Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2810399/jquery-and-mootools-conflict no content exists at this index position ie stemming from redundant pagination link alert No content exists at page number selected..
Display multiple markers on a map with their own info windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870670/display-multiple-markers-on-a-map-with-their-own-info-windows marker But don't do this you're using VB to write totally redundant Javascript for you when you could be using VB to fetch what..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript this script requires the jQuery library. EDIT removed 3 redundant lines involving e.which thanks to Tim Down's suggestion see..
Loading inline content using FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3963338/loading-inline-content-using-fancybox on my head to find it. Simply wrap your content with a redundant div that has display none and Bob is your uncle. div style display..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4554831/html-select-element-is-abbreviated-in-iphone-or-android-browsers Are you able to create groups of option s to minimize the redundant text option value 1 AccountType EUR Customer option option value..
How to select html nodes by ID with jquery when the id contains a dot? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605630/how-to-select-html-nodes-by-id-with-jquery-when-the-id-contains-a-dot separate class to match it's valid and not always totally redundant. The correct way to select a literal in CSS is to escape it..
Change href parameter using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6540106/change-href-parameter-using-jquery .attr for each unique href and that would grow to be very redundant very quickly not to mention difficult to manage. Below I'm making..
Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736058/passing-parameter-to-webmethod-with-jquery-ajax ' ' is a string. So the line data JSON.stringify params is redundant or it should be . Just set data params Next up on your web method..
Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7392930/why-should-y-innerhtml-x-innerhtml-be-avoided mostly... . The original HTML is from then on completely redundant. The browser doesn't care what the original HTML structure was..
What is the best practice organize a jQuery Mobile application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9362510/what-is-the-best-practice-organize-a-jquery-mobile-application page transistion and you have ugliness because you reload redundant JS and it's hard to debug dynamic JS. document .on 'pageinit..
d3.js updating visual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9649958/d3-js-updating-visual reading before you go any further. The svg.data call seems redundant and for clarity's sake I'd recommend doing this instead var..
jquery fade slide panel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10061847/jquery-fade-slide-panel .closest '.panel' .trigger 'togglePanel' I have used the pub sub pattern which makes things easier. We minimize the redundant code. And the work flow is easier to follow. I would strongly suggest that you use namespaces for custom events e.g togglePanel..
CSS bubbling while using jQuery Quicksand http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10302280/css-bubbling-while-using-jquery-quicksand
Popups common to all pages in jQuery Mobile site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12064321/popups-common-to-all-pages-in-jquery-mobile-site I can easily implement this by putting copies of the popups on each of the pages but this will create a lot of redundant code which may be hard to maintain. I can probably make my server insert the code for me in the proper places but that seems..
jquery validation plugin and submitHandler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12986088/jquery-validation-plugin-and-submithandler a click handler '#submitForm' .click that is interfering with the submitHandler inside the validation code. This is redundant and the .click handler should be removed in favor of the submitHandler . The desired code should then be placed inside the..
Hide redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13565718/hide-redundant-error-message-in-asp-net-validationsummary redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary I have a asp.net page accepting two input values Name and Address. Both of them.. summary. When user does not enter both the values the error message if fired two times though the error message is redundant. I need to display only one error message even though there are two errors. How can we handle it using jQuery How can we..
Nested JSON objects - do I have to use arrays for everything? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098276/nested-json-objects-do-i-have-to-use-arrays-for-everything objects like this result.data 0 .stuff 0 .onetype 0 and result.data 1 .otherstuff 0 .thing 0 This seems clumsy and redundant to me if possible I would prefer result.stuff.onetype 0 and result.otherstuff.thing But how can I use the object keys directly..
When do browsers start to render partially transmitted HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203751/when-do-browsers-start-to-render-partially-transmitted-html One div div id two class placeholder Placeholder Two div body html It may appear at first that #one .hide is redundant but that's not true. .placeholder .hide is called before jQuery is ready so it has no effect which is why you'll see Placeholder..
jQuery and MooTools Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2810399/jquery-and-mootools-conflict var target allcontents.eq selected if target.length 0 if no content exists at this index position ie stemming from redundant pagination link alert No content exists at page number selected return if togglerdiv.attr 'lastselected' null parseInt togglerdiv.attr..
Display multiple markers on a map with their own info windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870670/display-multiple-markers-on-a-map-with-their-own-info-windows marker 'click' function infowindow.open map marker But don't do this you're using VB to write totally redundant Javascript for you when you could be using VB to fetch what you need and then let Javascript do the work that you need done..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript
Loading inline content using FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3963338/loading-inline-content-using-fancybox is very simple but took me about 2 hours and half the hair on my head to find it. Simply wrap your content with a redundant div that has display none and Bob is your uncle. div style display none div id content div Some content here div div Voila..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4554831/html-select-element-is-abbreviated-in-iphone-or-android-browsers android html jquery ui share improve this question Are you able to create groups of option s to minimize the redundant text option value 1 AccountType EUR Customer option option value 1 CH12 3456 7890 1234 5678 9 option option value 2 CH10..
How to select html nodes by ID with jquery when the id contains a dot? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605630/how-to-select-html-nodes-by-id-with-jquery-when-the-id-contains-a-dot id.class is a valid selector that requires both an id and a separate class to match it's valid and not always totally redundant. The correct way to select a literal in CSS is to escape it id .moreid This used to cause trouble in some older browsers..
Change href parameter using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6540106/change-href-parameter-using-jquery into the .attr method you would have to have one call to .attr for each unique href and that would grow to be very redundant very quickly not to mention difficult to manage. Below I'm making one call to .attr and using a function to replace only..
Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736058/passing-parameter-to-webmethod-with-jquery-ajax Quick item your variable params var params ' ID ' rowid ' ' is a string. So the line data JSON.stringify params is redundant or it should be . Just set data params Next up on your web method you converting your result to a JSON string and returning..
Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7392930/why-should-y-innerhtml-x-innerhtml-be-avoided is a relationship of objects following a W3C standard well mostly... . The original HTML is from then on completely redundant. The browser doesn't care what the original HTML structure was its understanding of the web page is the DOM structure that..
What is the best practice organize a jQuery Mobile application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9362510/what-is-the-best-practice-organize-a-jquery-mobile-application each page you increase the data you need to return on each page transistion and you have ugliness because you reload redundant JS and it's hard to debug dynamic JS. document .on 'pageinit pageshow' 'div jqmData role page div jqmData role dialog '..
d3.js updating visual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9649958/d3-js-updating-visual tutorial called Thinking with Joins which I would recommend reading before you go any further. The svg.data call seems redundant and for clarity's sake I'd recommend doing this instead var leaves treemap json console.log leaves leaves so you can see..