jquery Programming Glossary: redirecturl
button will not perform action after activating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11476712/button-will-not-perform-action-after-activating submitAction var link document.location.href var searchString redirect var equalIndex link.indexOf searchString var redirectUrl if document.forms 0 .action var url window.location.href var args new Object var query location.search.substring 1 var.. args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex 0 equalIndex searchString.length redirectUrl redirectUrl link.substring equalIndex if redirectUrl.length 255 redirectUrl redirectUrl.substring 0 255 document.forms 0.. unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex 0 equalIndex searchString.length redirectUrl redirectUrl link.substring equalIndex if redirectUrl.length 255 redirectUrl redirectUrl.substring 0 255 document.forms 0 .redirect_url.value..
Is this a valid jquery callback function call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3174249/is-this-a-valid-jquery-callback-function-call 1 'pageSize' 5 success function data if data.isRedirect data.isRedirect true alert 'must redirect to ' data.redirectUrl location 'http www.google.com' else var divs '' #hfId .val '' #ResultsDiv .empty .each data.Results function divs.. new Count count Results results isRedirect false return Json genericResult else var genericResult new redirectUrl Url.Action Create Registration isRedirect true return Json genericResult And my model public IQueryable ClientBO FindAllClients..