jquery Programming Glossary: rectangle
Mosaic Grid gallery with dynamic sized images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10930783/mosaic-grid-gallery-with-dynamic-sized-images but it does resize crop images so they always fill a rectangle like your screenshot suggests. Maybe it can be pimped to work..
check if map markers are within selected bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229711/check-if-map-markers-are-within-selected-bounds a map with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers which are within the rectangle.. on the map and select the markers which are within the rectangle bounds. So far i have found some great info here How to get..
How to custom layout h:selectOneRadio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11255509/how-to-custom-layout-hselectoneradio it use CSS3 causing IE8 to display the radio button in rectangle shape. jquery html css jsf share improve this question ..
Dragging & Resizing CSS Transformed Elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12007971/dragging-resizing-css-transformed-elements we set a vendor transform rotate 40deg css attribute on a rectangle div all the sudden dragging and resizing becomes very weird.. Ja4dY 1 You will notice that if you drag or resize that rectangle when transformed it will jump up or down and the cursor will..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page function id var element document.getElementById id var rectangle element.getBoundingClientRect return rectangle.top Animation.. id var rectangle element.getBoundingClientRect return rectangle.top Animation tick. scrollVerticalTickToPosition function currentPosition..
Typeahead problems with Bootstrap 3.0 RC1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18167246/typeahead-problems-with-bootstrap-3-0-rc1 'zulu' script And the field became smaller with a white rectangle inside it. Am I doing something wrong or it's just a bug on..
How to check if the cursor is over an element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3395293/how-to-check-if-the-cursor-is-over-an-element to get cursor coordinates and look if they are in the rectangle of my element. Maybe there are predefined methods UPD don't..
JQuery get the location of an element relative to window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3714628/jquery-get-the-location-of-an-element-relative-to-window I need to get the screen location of the element's rectangle as in position and dimension as it is currently being displayed...
Click Event for SVG Rectangle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4053991/click-event-for-svg-rectangle with jQuery in my Mvc Application. I draw a series of rectangles on my page and what I would like to do is attach a click or.. like to do is attach a click or mouseover event for each rectangle for say popup an alert box. I've tried something like this so.. onLoad 'rect#Y6' .click function alert 'hello' script The rectangles are loaded from a svg picture. jquery svg share improve..
Raphael canvas(background) onclick event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4157590/raphael-canvasbackground-onclick-event you are dead set on using Raphael events you could draw a rectangle over the entire canvas and capture click events on that. but..
How to access id attribute of any element in Raphael http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4454593/how-to-access-id-attribute-of-any-element-in-raphael drawing some elements on a website. The elements include rectangle line path . I have given an id to the path element and trying..
capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781602/capturing-html5-canvas-output-as-video-or-swf-or-png-sequence I tried it and it is working fine if I use only shapes rectangle or some other graphic but not if I draw external images on canvas.. a new canvas and draw the captured data on that the red rectangle drawn on the second canvas but that external image doesn't...
Datepicker with events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051827/datepicker-with-events plugin that would allow me to have a small calendar like rectangle like in datepickers and some of the dates would be different..
How to store custom data inside of svg-objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6012687/how-to-store-custom-data-inside-of-svg-objects how to get data about object For example user clicked on rectangle that represents car of Make A there are few rectangles each.. on rectangle that represents car of Make A there are few rectangles each of them represents a separate make . How can I determine..
Is there a way to zoom into a graph layout done using D3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7871425/is-there-a-way-to-zoom-into-a-graph-layout-done-using-d3 events attribute to all and then append a background rectangle to receive the pointer events otherwise it only works when the..
How to get the pixel offset from the current caret position in an iframe with contentEditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456652/how-to-get-the-pixel-offset-from-the-current-caret-position-in-an-iframe-with-co every position in the document has a well defined bounding rectangle. The caret however does have physical location on the screen..
How to move rectangle on canvas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9975232/how-to-move-rectangle-on-canvas to move rectangle on canvas I use canvas in my application using JavaScript... my application using JavaScript. On that canvas I draw one rectangle. I want to move rectangle with the help of mouse e.g moving.. On that canvas I draw one rectangle. I want to move rectangle with the help of mouse e.g moving slider how to move that rectangle..
Mosaic Grid gallery with dynamic sized images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10930783/mosaic-grid-gallery-with-dynamic-sized-images jquery tiles gallery 2281417 which is not as smart as Isotope but it does resize crop images so they always fill a rectangle like your screenshot suggests. Maybe it can be pimped to work better and without the hover effects that don't work on smartphone..
check if map markers are within selected bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229711/check-if-map-markers-are-within-selected-bounds if map markers are within selected bounds I have a map with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers which are within the rectangle bounds. So far i have found some great info here How to.. with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers which are within the rectangle bounds. So far i have found some great info here How to get markers inside an area selected by mouse drag I have implemented..
How to custom layout h:selectOneRadio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11255509/how-to-custom-layout-hselectoneradio provide your answer beside PrimeFaces p selectOneRadio solution it use CSS3 causing IE8 to display the radio button in rectangle shape. jquery html css jsf share improve this question It's not exactly that but you could use Tomahawk's t selectOneRadio..
Dragging & Resizing CSS Transformed Elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12007971/dragging-resizing-css-transformed-elements Resizing CSS Transformed Elements If for instance we set a vendor transform rotate 40deg css attribute on a rectangle div all the sudden dragging and resizing becomes very weird and flawed. Here is an example with a simple jQueryUI http jsfiddle.net.. Here is an example with a simple jQueryUI http jsfiddle.net Ja4dY 1 You will notice that if you drag or resize that rectangle when transformed it will jump up or down and the cursor will not remain in the correct place. In my real code I'm using..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page this.viewportHeight elementVerticalClientPositionById function id var element document.getElementById id var rectangle element.getBoundingClientRect return rectangle.top Animation tick. scrollVerticalTickToPosition function currentPosition.. function id var element document.getElementById id var rectangle element.getBoundingClientRect return rectangle.top Animation tick. scrollVerticalTickToPosition function currentPosition targetPosition var filter 0.2 var fps 60 var..
Typeahead problems with Bootstrap 3.0 RC1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18167246/typeahead-problems-with-bootstrap-3-0-rc1 local 'alpha' 'bravo' 'charlie' 'delta' 'epsilon' 'gamma' 'zulu' script And the field became smaller with a white rectangle inside it. Am I doing something wrong or it's just a bug on Typeahead or Bootstrap 3 RC1 jquery twitter bootstrap bootstrap..
How to check if the cursor is over an element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3395293/how-to-check-if-the-cursor-is-over-an-element over some div at the html page with JQuery Javascript I'm trying to get cursor coordinates and look if they are in the rectangle of my element. Maybe there are predefined methods UPD don't say anything about hover events etc. I need some method which..
JQuery get the location of an element relative to window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3714628/jquery-get-the-location-of-an-element-relative-to-window since the element may be inside an iframe or some other elements. I need to get the screen location of the element's rectangle as in position and dimension as it is currently being displayed. Negative values are acceptable if the element is currently..
Click Event for SVG Rectangle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4053991/click-event-for-svg-rectangle Event for SVG Rectangle I'm using SVG together with jQuery in my Mvc Application. I draw a series of rectangles on my page and what I would like to do is attach a click or mouseover event for each rectangle for say popup an alert box... I draw a series of rectangles on my page and what I would like to do is attach a click or mouseover event for each rectangle for say popup an alert box. I've tried something like this so far rect id 'Y6' .attr 'onclick' function alert Hello and.. ~ media svg lion.xml ' addTo false changeSize false onLoad onLoad 'rect#Y6' .click function alert 'hello' script The rectangles are loaded from a svg picture. jquery svg share improve this question Your code to add the click handler needs to..
Raphael canvas(background) onclick event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4157590/raphael-canvasbackground-onclick-event '#canvas' .parent .bind 'dblclick' myDblClick Otherwise if you are dead set on using Raphael events you could draw a rectangle over the entire canvas and capture click events on that. but that seems like a lot of overhead. share improve this answer..
How to access id attribute of any element in Raphael http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4454593/how-to-access-id-attribute-of-any-element-in-raphael id attribute of any element in Raphael I'm using Raphael for drawing some elements on a website. The elements include rectangle line path . I have given an id to the path element and trying to access it in the onclick event of that line. but when I..
capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781602/capturing-html5-canvas-output-as-video-or-swf-or-png-sequence I understood how to capture the canvas data to store on server I tried it and it is working fine if I use only shapes rectangle or some other graphic but not if I draw external images on canvas element. Can anyone tell me how to capture canvas data.. after taking the canvas data into my data variable I created a new canvas and draw the captured data on that the red rectangle drawn on the second canvas but that external image doesn't. Thanks in advance. javascript jquery html5 video canvas share..
Datepicker with events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051827/datepicker-with-events with events Is there a jquery plugin that would allow me to have a small calendar like rectangle like in datepickers and some of the dates would be different colour. When I go over the date with mouse there is a popup..
How to store custom data inside of svg-objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6012687/how-to-store-custom-data-inside-of-svg-objects are object specific are required to be displayed. Question how to get data about object For example user clicked on rectangle that represents car of Make A there are few rectangles each of them represents a separate make . How can I determine a make.. how to get data about object For example user clicked on rectangle that represents car of Make A there are few rectangles each of them represents a separate make . How can I determine a make Is there any way to associate 'external data' with..
Is there a way to zoom into a graph layout done using D3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7871425/is-there-a-way-to-zoom-into-a-graph-layout-done-using-d3 nest several g elements to get it to work set the SVG's pointer events attribute to all and then append a background rectangle to receive the pointer events otherwise it only works when the pointer is over a node or link . The redraw function is comparatively..
How to get the pixel offset from the current caret position in an iframe with contentEditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456652/how-to-get-the-pixel-offset-from-the-current-caret-position-in-an-iframe-with-co to return a Rect for a collapsed Range. Conceptually not every position in the document has a well defined bounding rectangle. The caret however does have physical location on the screen which in my opinion should be provided by the Selection API..
How to move rectangle on canvas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9975232/how-to-move-rectangle-on-canvas to move rectangle on canvas I use canvas in my application using JavaScript. On that canvas I draw one rectangle. I want to move rectangle.. to move rectangle on canvas I use canvas in my application using JavaScript. On that canvas I draw one rectangle. I want to move rectangle with the help of mouse e.g moving slider how to move that rectangle using JavaScript or J query... on canvas I use canvas in my application using JavaScript. On that canvas I draw one rectangle. I want to move rectangle with the help of mouse e.g moving slider how to move that rectangle using JavaScript or J query. javascript jquery javascript..