jquery Programming Glossary: recursive
jQuery vs document.querySelectorAll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11503534/jquery-vs-document-queryselectorall over the array of childnodes via some possibly nested or recursive loops and check the class classlist not available in all browsers..
Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11665484/converting-a-recursive-function-into-an-asynchronous-cps-implementation-javascr a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation javascript.. contents i new_elem char_cb then a recursive call is performed on the newly created element as target_jq.. nvokes the callback function. Both together animateNode recursively runs over the node tree and animates the textnodes in thier..
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block This function implements the main loop. It looks recursive but is not because each function call happens in an event handler.. the classic continuation passing style of programming done recursively. In your case an example of a request would be request_queue.push..
Use jQuery to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403615/use-jquery-to-hide-a-div-when-the-user-clicks-outside-of-it problem came up with this easy solution. It's even working recursive document .mouseup function e var container YOUR CONTAINER SELECTOR..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events the pagebeforechange event occurs twice is due to the recursive call in changePage when toPage is not a jQuery enhanced DOM.. regardless of whether or not it was an object an infinite recursive loop will result. The pageload event passes the new page as..
How can I use jQuery to style /parts/ of all instances of a specific word? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1501007/how-can-i-use-jquery-to-style-parts-of-all-instances-of-a-specific-word can only select elements and the contains selector is recursive so not too useful to us. Find text in descendents of an element..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691861/jquery-compiled-with-google-closure-compiler share improve this question John Resig reported a bug on recursive functions when he attempted to compile a nightly of jQuery 1.4..
How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808108/how-to-access-php-variables-in-javascript-or-jquery-rather-than-php-echo-vari
jQuery recursive iteration over objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203958/jquery-recursive-iteration-over-objects recursive iteration over objects The other day I thought I saw an object.. iterator in jQuery that had a flag that could be set to recursively iterate over child objects. I thought it was part of jQuery.each.. any such iterator in jQuery that can be automatically recursive I know how to do it in javascript. Just wondering if I actually..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing population callbacks that I then check and have to have a recursive setTimeout call checking prior to calling LoadContact Is there..
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298750/how-do-i-select-text-nodes-with-jquery that out so here is non jQuery solution using a simple recursive function. The includeWhitespaceNodes parameter controls whether..
jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789984/jquery-how-do-i-animate-a-div-rotation 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call timer setTimeout function degree rotate 5 Toggle rotation..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery es If you want to animate the rotation you can use a recursive setTimeout You could probably even do part of a spin with jQuery's.. 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call setTimeout function rotate degree 5 jsFiddle example Note..
stop settimeout in recursive function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995426/stop-settimeout-in-recursive-function settimeout in recursive function my problem is that I can not stop a timer. I had this.. after I hide mydiv . I also need to know now if the recursive function creates multiple instances or just one for the timeouts...
GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998832/gui-based-or-web-based-json-editor-that-works-like-property-explorer that the user would be able to specify any arbitrary non recursive JSON structure and then also be able to edit the structure with..
jQuery vs document.querySelectorAll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11503534/jquery-vs-document-queryselectorall be considered var e document.querySelector ul.first 2 iterate over the array of childnodes via some possibly nested or recursive loops and check the class classlist not available in all browsers .find '.foo' for var i 0 i e.length i older browser don't..
Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11665484/converting-a-recursive-function-into-an-asynchronous-cps-implementation-javascr a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation javascript Here's my function. function duplicate_step_through_highlighted.. i .cloneNode false .appendTo target_jq duplicate_step_through_highlighted contents i new_elem char_cb then a recursive call is performed on the newly created element as target_jq and the existing one as element_jq. char_cb is passed in .. passes itself as the callback until no children are left then nvokes the callback function. Both together animateNode recursively runs over the node tree and animates the textnodes in thier order. the iterate function calls animateNode after unhinding..
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block var request_queue url some path callback function_to_process_the_data This function implements the main loop. It looks recursive but is not because each function call happens in an event handler function process_request_queue If we have anything in.. the ajax call itself into a pseudo loop. It's basically the classic continuation passing style of programming done recursively. In your case an example of a request would be request_queue.push url path to OUTER request callback function result You..
Use jQuery to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403615/use-jquery-to-hide-a-div-when-the-user-clicks-outside-of-it hide styling share improve this question Had the same problem came up with this easy solution. It's even working recursive document .mouseup function e var container YOUR CONTAINER SELECTOR if container.is e.target if the target of the click isn't..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events anything to do with the problem mentioned before. The reason the pagebeforechange event occurs twice is due to the recursive call in changePage when toPage is not a jQuery enhanced DOM object. This recursion is dangerous as the developer is allowed.. toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange event handler regardless of whether or not it was an object an infinite recursive loop will result. The pageload event passes the new page as the page property of the data object This should be added to..
How can I use jQuery to style /parts/ of all instances of a specific word? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1501007/how-can-i-use-jquery-to-style-parts-of-all-instances-of-a-specific-word jQuery doesn't really give you much help here since selectors can only select elements and the contains selector is recursive so not too useful to us. Find text in descendents of an element in reverse document order pattern must be a regexp with..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691861/jquery-compiled-with-google-closure-compiler jquery minify google closure google closure compiler share improve this question John Resig reported a bug on recursive functions when he attempted to compile a nightly of jQuery 1.4 so there are a few kinks to be worked out. I wouldn't use..
How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808108/how-to-access-php-variables-in-javascript-or-jquery-rather-than-php-echo-vari
jQuery recursive iteration over objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203958/jquery-recursive-iteration-over-objects recursive iteration over objects The other day I thought I saw an object iterator in jQuery that had a flag that could be set to.. over objects The other day I thought I saw an object iterator in jQuery that had a flag that could be set to recursively iterate over child objects. I thought it was part of jQuery.each but now I don't see that capability in the docs. Is there.. but now I don't see that capability in the docs. Is there any such iterator in jQuery that can be automatically recursive I know how to do it in javascript. Just wondering if I actually saw what I thought I saw. Thanks much EDIT To be clear I..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing to have to put a bunch of flags in the end of the drop down population callbacks that I then check and have to have a recursive setTimeout call checking prior to calling LoadContact Is there something in jQuery that allows me to say Execute this when..
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298750/how-do-i-select-text-nodes-with-jquery function thanks to @rabidsnail in the comments for pointing that out so here is non jQuery solution using a simple recursive function. The includeWhitespaceNodes parameter controls whether or not whitespace text nodes are included in the output..
jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789984/jquery-how-do-i-animate-a-div-rotation 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call timer setTimeout function degree rotate 5 Toggle rotation on and off input .toggle function clearTimeout timer function..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery does work with IE and it does rotation . I believe it uses canvas es If you want to animate the rotation you can use a recursive setTimeout You could probably even do part of a spin with jQuery's .animate Make sure that you consider the width of your.. 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call setTimeout function rotate degree 5 jsFiddle example Note Taking the degree and increasing it will rotate the image..
stop settimeout in recursive function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995426/stop-settimeout-in-recursive-function settimeout in recursive function my problem is that I can not stop a timer. I had this method to set a timeout from this forum. It supposed to.. global variable. By accident I found out that it is still running after I hide mydiv . I also need to know now if the recursive function creates multiple instances or just one for the timeouts. Because first I thought that it overwrites var mytimer..
GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998832/gui-based-or-web-based-json-editor-that-works-like-property-explorer each row in the table. Big Idea The big idea behind this is that the user would be able to specify any arbitrary non recursive JSON structure and then also be able to edit the structure with a GUI based interaction this would be similar to the XML..