jquery Programming Glossary: refreshid
Using AJAX / jQuery to refresh an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10920514/using-ajax-jquery-to-refresh-an-image container.load 'image_feed.php CAMERA_URI camera_uri ' var refreshId setInterval function container.load 'image_feed.php CAMERA_URI..
AJAX add data to table without resetting table. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10941213/ajax-add-data-to-table-without-resetting-table document .ready function #query .load query.php var refreshId setInterval function #query .load 'query.php' 5000 .ajaxSetup..
jQuery: setInterval http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355076/jquery-setinterval 800 height 377 alt script document .ready function var refreshId setInterval function '#center' .load 'images gallery best rotate.php'.. this question script document .ready function var refreshId setInterval function var r 0.5 Math.random 1000.99 '#center'..
Call function with setInterval in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5484205/call-function-with-setinterval-in-jquery I use setInterval test 1000 or something like this var refreshId setInterval function code... 5000 Where do I put the function.. use the latter approach with a function reference var refreshId setInterval function 5000 or function test var refreshId setInterval.. refreshId setInterval function 5000 or function test var refreshId setInterval test 5000 but your approach of function test var..
Refresh Div on page load then auto refresh every X seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9244273/refresh-div-on-page-load-then-auto-refresh-every-x-seconds notifications ajax livenum.php .ajaxSetup cache false var refreshId setInterval function count.load php echo vars 'url' mod notifications.. and call the function loadCount every 60 seconds var refreshId setInterval loadCount 60000 .ajaxSetup cache false share improve..
Using AJAX / jQuery to refresh an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10920514/using-ajax-jquery-to-refresh-an-image image tag. document .ready function var container #image1 container.load 'image_feed.php CAMERA_URI camera_uri ' var refreshId setInterval function container.load 'image_feed.php CAMERA_URI camera_uri ' 5000 This works but there is a problem. I get..
AJAX add data to table without resetting table. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10941213/ajax-add-data-to-table-without-resetting-table into and the ajax code to go with it script type text javascript document .ready function #query .load query.php var refreshId setInterval function #query .load 'query.php' 5000 .ajaxSetup cache false script div id query div And from the query.php..
jQuery: setInterval http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355076/jquery-setinterval Heres the code main.html img src images ex full.jpg width 800 height 377 alt script document .ready function var refreshId setInterval function '#center' .load 'images gallery best rotate.php' 5000 script rotate.php img src images gallery best.. type text css Thanks. jquery html caching share improve this question script document .ready function var refreshId setInterval function var r 0.5 Math.random 1000.99 '#center' .load 'images gallery best random.php ' r 5000 script How about..
Call function with setInterval in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5484205/call-function-with-setinterval-in-jquery question is can I mix common JavaScript with jQuery Should I use setInterval test 1000 or something like this var refreshId setInterval function code... 5000 Where do I put the function that I call and how do I activate the interval Is it a difference.. share improve this question To write the best code you should use the latter approach with a function reference var refreshId setInterval function 5000 or function test var refreshId setInterval test 5000 but your approach of function test var refreshId.. should use the latter approach with a function reference var refreshId setInterval function 5000 or function test var refreshId setInterval test 5000 but your approach of function test var refreshId setInterval test 5000 is basically valid too as long..
Refresh Div on page load then auto refresh every X seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9244273/refresh-div-on-page-load-then-auto-refresh-every-x-seconds showNotification count.load php echo vars 'url' mod notifications ajax livenum.php .ajaxSetup cache false var refreshId setInterval function count.load php echo vars 'url' mod notifications ajax livenum.php 60000 .ajaxSetup cache false function..