jquery Programming Glossary: redirect_to
AJAX form (using simple_form) with preserved error validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051050/ajax-form-using-simple-form-with-preserved-error-validation brand respond_to do format if @brand.save format.html redirect_to brands_url notice 'Brand was successfully created.' format.json.. errors on it. This is why you always use render instead of redirect_to when you want to render errors. If you do a redirect you start..
Rails - AJAX to for new/create action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12915062/rails-ajax-to-for-new-create-action event respond_to do format if @event.save format.html redirect_to @event.timeline notice 'Event was successfully created.' format.json..
Twitter Bootstrap Rails button dropdown no responding to AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18503168/twitter-bootstrap-rails-button-dropdown-no-responding-to-ajax in_service true respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end def out_service @tool.update in_service.. in_service false respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end Since there is nothing after the.. params in_service respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end In view add parameters to query..
jquery doesn't call success method on $.ajax for rails standard REST DELETE answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4791499/jquery-doesnt-call-success-method-on-ajax-for-rails-standard-rest-delete-answ params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json render json @person status ok end end.. params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json head ok end end Tested under rails 3.0.3..
Adding fields dynamically in a nested model form in Rails 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4812003/adding-fields-dynamically-in-a-nested-model-form-in-rails-3 .invites if @user.update_attributes params user return redirect_to root_url notice Your invite s were successfully sent else render..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object params id if @ticket.update_attributes params ticket redirect_to tickets_url notice Successfully updated ticket. else render..
AJAX form (using simple_form) with preserved error validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051050/ajax-form-using-simple-form-with-preserved-error-validation my create action looks like def create @brand Brand.new params brand respond_to do format if @brand.save format.html redirect_to brands_url notice 'Brand was successfully created.' format.json render json @brand status created location @brand format.js.. same one you tried to save in create so you can check the errors on it. This is why you always use render instead of redirect_to when you want to render errors. If you do a redirect you start a new request meaning @brand is reinitialized. I'm assuming..
Rails - AJAX to for new/create action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12915062/rails-ajax-to-for-new-create-action json @event format.js end end def create @event Event.new params event respond_to do format if @event.save format.html redirect_to @event.timeline notice 'Event was successfully created.' format.json render json @event status created location @event format.js..
Twitter Bootstrap Rails button dropdown no responding to AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18503168/twitter-bootstrap-rails-button-dropdown-no-responding-to-ajax The two methods linked to look like this def in_service @tool.update in_service true respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end def out_service @tool.update in_service false respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path.. redirect_to root_path format.js end end def out_service @tool.update in_service false respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end Since there is nothing after the format.js Rails should automatically execute a file that has.. def in_service @tool.update in_service params in_service @success params in_service respond_to do format format.html redirect_to root_path format.js end end In view add parameters to query View ul class dropdown menu li a data method post data remote..
jquery doesn't call success method on $.ajax for rails standard REST DELETE answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4791499/jquery-doesnt-call-success-method-on-ajax-for-rails-standard-rest-delete-answ in Rails controller this def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json render json @person status ok end end It works. When I use following as standard generated success.. callback is not called def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json head ok end end Tested under rails 3.0.3 jQuery 1.4.2 Firefox 3.6.13. Firebug says that query goes..
Adding fields dynamically in a nested model form in Rails 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4812003/adding-fields-dynamically-in-a-nested-model-form-in-rails-3 Invite.new end def create @invites User.new params user .invites if @user.update_attributes params user return redirect_to root_url notice Your invite s were successfully sent else render action new end end end User.rb class User ActiveRecord..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object @ticket Ticket.find params id end def update @ticket Ticket.find params id if @ticket.update_attributes params ticket redirect_to tickets_url notice Successfully updated ticket. else render action 'edit' end end Can anyone please help me with this Also..