jquery Programming Glossary: loadui
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam the AJAX request processing. Mostly I use the parameter loadui 'block' to block jqGrid during JSON request sending to the server... inside the loadComplete and loadError functions. The loadui option could be set to 'disable' in this case. And my last remark..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data Records repeatitems false userdata UserData id StationId loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 viewrecords true.. GetWeatherData' jsonReader repeatitems false loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 30 viewrecords..
Stop loading detail grid at page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4524209/stop-loading-detail-grid-at-page-load 'checkbox' align 'center' width 30 search false loadtext loadui block width 500 rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager10_d'..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt Content jqGrid steel images' viewrecords true height 162 loadui 'block' forceFit true Filled by this function var mydata ''..
jqGrid Delete a Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6122392/jqgrid-delete-a-row function postData return JSON.stringify postData loadui block multiboxonly true rowNum 25 rowList 25 50 100 altRows..
Treegrid with JSON data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6772601/treegrid-with-json-data-in-jqgrid topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto pager false loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden.. datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden..
JQGrid Custom Sorting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7917321/jqgrid-custom-sorting hidegrid false autowidth true rowNum 10000 height 100 loadui 'block' colNames 'lecID' 'lrlID' 'mjID' 'Role' 'Name' 'Entity'..
How to center the “Loading data . .” message in the visible screen in jqgrid treegrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8777793/how-to-center-the-loading-data-message-in-the-visible-screen-in-jqgrid-tre have other users of jqGrid. I personally prefer to use loadui 'block' setting which shows the overlay over the whole grid..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable true ignoreCase true loadonce true one ajax call per loadui 'block' loadComplete function var gr '#favoriteGrid' fixGridSize..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam of the trigger 'reloadGrid' way is blocking of jqGrid during the AJAX request processing. Mostly I use the parameter loadui 'block' to block jqGrid during JSON request sending to the server. With respect to jQuery blockUI plugin http malsup.com.. the trigger 'reloadGrid' method and jQuery '#main' .unblock inside the loadComplete and loadError functions. The loadui option could be set to 'disable' in this case. And my last remark Mostly I used to create jqGrid with the datatype set to..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false userdata UserData id StationId loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID' 'Station Name' 'Timestamp' 'Max Temp'.. function #list .jqGrid datatype 'json' url 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' jsonReader repeatitems false loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID' 'Station Name' 'Timestamp' 'Max..
Stop loading detail grid at page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4524209/stop-loading-detail-grid-at-page-load false name 'employeeSup' index 'employeeSup' formatter 'checkbox' align 'center' width 30 search false loadtext loadui block width 500 rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager10_d' sortname 'employeeID' viewrecords true sortorder asc multiselect..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt width '20 ' rowNum 15 rowList 15 50 100 imgpath ' Drm Content jqGrid steel images' viewrecords true height 162 loadui 'block' forceFit true Filled by this function var mydata '' if string.IsNullOrEmpty Model.PCAssociatedDocuments var mydata..
jqGrid Delete a Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6122392/jqgrid-delete-a-row contentType 'application json charset utf 8' serializeDelData function postData return JSON.stringify postData loadui block multiboxonly true rowNum 25 rowList 25 50 100 altRows true altclass 'ui priority secondary' autoencode true autowidth..
Treegrid with JSON data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6772601/treegrid-with-json-data-in-jqgrid ' .appendTo '#topics' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto pager false loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden true key true name elementName width 150 resizable false name.. id list2 table ' .appendTo '#topics' grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden true key true name elementName width 250 resizable false name..
JQGrid Custom Sorting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7917321/jqgrid-custom-sorting '#ID' .val loadonce true sortable true caption Selected Contacts hidegrid false autowidth true rowNum 10000 height 100 loadui 'block' colNames 'lecID' 'lrlID' 'mjID' 'Role' 'Name' 'Entity' 'Contact' 'D #' '' colModel name 'LECID' hidden true name..
How to center the “Loading data . .” message in the visible screen in jqgrid treegrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8777793/how-to-center-the-loading-data-message-in-the-visible-screen-in-jqgrid-tre question I find your question is good. The same issue could have other users of jqGrid. I personally prefer to use loadui 'block' setting which shows the overlay over the whole grid during the grid loading. In the case the problem will be not..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable enable column sorting multiselect true enable multiselct gridview true ignoreCase true loadonce true one ajax call per loadui 'block' loadComplete function var gr '#favoriteGrid' fixGridSize gr onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel favoriteGrid.restoreRow..