jquery Programming Glossary: ll
AJAX add data to table without resetting table. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10941213/ajax-add-data-to-table-without-resetting-table table without resetting table. I have a php page that will grab data from an SQL database and print it into a table now.. inserted below that with a button to expand the row. This all works fine and I can query it with ajax into a div on a different.. reset and hide that row. Here is the page that it is filled into and the ajax code to go with it script type text javascript..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g container. We have a location search form. On submit we will get the available locations and set markers in map. Once markers.. I have pasted the code below for reference. var map null gmap_ready function var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 43.834527.. maps f q source s_q hl en geocode q latitude longitude sll latitude longitude sspn 0.172749 0.4422 ie UTF8 ll latitude..
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui fast enough. However moving to production it is painfully slow in the multi select mode. I have narrowed down the pain.. Chrome seems ok Both pages use the latest jqGrid 3.8 with all options selected. loading jQuery and jQueryUI from the google.. dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup calls function var..
google maps drag and drop objects into google maps from outside the Map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510972/google-maps-drag-and-drop-objects-into-google-maps-from-outside-the-map Check if this is more or less what you wanted you will need to provide a small icon file to be dragged update file.. more or less what you wanted you will need to provide a small icon file to be dragged update file name acorrdingly in the.. e var point new google.maps.Point e.pageX e.pageY var ll overlay.getProjection .fromContainerPixelToLatLng point placeMarker..
What is an easing function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8316882/what-is-an-easing-function share improve this question An easing function is usually a function that describes the value of a property given a percentage.. a few examples. First lets look at the interface that all our easing functions will abide by. Our easing functions will.. lets look at the interface that all our easing functions will abide by. Our easing functions will take several arguments percentComplete..
How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8992721/how-to-call-url-action-in-mvc-with-javascript-function to call URL action in MVC with javascript function I´m trying to render.. in an MVC project. I capture an event on my page which calls this function but I´m not sure how to call this certain URL... page which calls this function but I´m not sure how to call this certain URL. Can anyone help me please function onDropDownChange..
AJAX add data to table without resetting table. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10941213/ajax-add-data-to-table-without-resetting-table add data to table without resetting table. I have a php page that will grab data from an SQL database and print it into a table now if certain rows from the database have a certain parameter.. from the database have a certain parameter a hidden row is inserted below that with a button to expand the row. This all works fine and I can query it with ajax into a div on a different page but if someone were to expand the hidden row with.. jquery and the ajax update timer were to come along it would reset and hide that row. Here is the page that it is filled into and the ajax code to go with it script type text javascript document .ready function #query .load query.php var refreshId..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g Maps We use Google Map Api V3 to load google map in HTML container. We have a location search form. On submit we will get the available locations and set markers in map. Once markers are loaded on click on each marker we need to show Title.. box. But i didn't see options to load the content as required. I have pasted the code below for reference. var map null gmap_ready function var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 43.834527 103.564457 var myOptions zoom 3 center myLatlng mapTypeId.. longitude this.position.lng window.open http maps.google.com maps f q source s_q hl en geocode q latitude longitude sll latitude longitude sspn 0.172749 0.4422 ie UTF8 ll latitude longitude spn 0.162818 0.4422 z 11 iwloc A If there is any..
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui begging for jqGrid but in prototyping everything worked plenty fast enough. However moving to production it is painfully slow in the multi select mode. I have narrowed down the pain point to jQueryUI 1.8. If I revert just that back to jQueryUI.. the examples show the difference the most in FireFox and IE Chrome seems ok Both pages use the latest jqGrid 3.8 with all options selected. loading jQuery and jQueryUI from the google CDN base href http ajax.googleapis.com link href ajax libs.. row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup calls function var gridData getGridData pulls from getGridData.js setupGrid..
google maps drag and drop objects into google maps from outside the Map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510972/google-maps-drag-and-drop-objects-into-google-maps-from-outside-the-map jquery google maps drag and drop share improve this question Check if this is more or less what you wanted you will need to provide a small icon file to be dragged update file name acorrdingly in the source . Just to mention the shelf with.. and drop share improve this question Check if this is more or less what you wanted you will need to provide a small icon file to be dragged update file name acorrdingly in the source . Just to mention the shelf with icons to drag can be.. function #draggable .draggable helper 'clone' stop function e var point new google.maps.Point e.pageX e.pageY var ll overlay.getProjection .fromContainerPixelToLatLng point placeMarker ll script script type text javascript src http maps.google.com..
What is an easing function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8316882/what-is-an-easing-function of an object jquery silverlight flex animation dojo share improve this question An easing function is usually a function that describes the value of a property given a percentage of completeness. Different frameworks use slightly.. to grasp once you get the idea but it's probably best to look a few examples. First lets look at the interface that all our easing functions will abide by. Our easing functions will take several arguments percentComplete 0.0 to 1.0 . elaspedTime.. idea but it's probably best to look a few examples. First lets look at the interface that all our easing functions will abide by. Our easing functions will take several arguments percentComplete 0.0 to 1.0 . elaspedTime The number of milliseconds..
How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8992721/how-to-call-url-action-in-mvc-with-javascript-function to call URL action in MVC with javascript function I´m trying to render url action with javascript in an MVC project. I capture.. function I´m trying to render url action with javascript in an MVC project. I capture an event on my page which calls this function but I´m not sure how to call this certain URL. Can anyone help me please function onDropDownChange e var.. with javascript in an MVC project. I capture an event on my page which calls this function but I´m not sure how to call this certain URL. Can anyone help me please function onDropDownChange e var url ' Home Index ' e.value What now... Edited..