jquery Programming Glossary: locs
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only they were constructed . initial dataset for markers var locs 1 info '11111. Some random info here' lat 37.8139 lng 144.9634.. var auto_remove true When true markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove Remove.. locObj if auto_remove Remove markers for all unreported locs and the corrsponding locations entry. .each locations function..
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only var locations A repository for markers and the data from which they were constructed . initial dataset for markers var locs 1 info '11111. Some random info here' lat 37.8139 lng 144.9634 2 info '22222. Some random info here' lat 46.0553 lng 14.5144.. var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow var auto_remove true When true markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove Remove markers for all unreported locs and the corrsponding locations.. for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove Remove markers for all unreported locs and the corrsponding locations entry. .each locations function key if locObj key if locations key .marker locations key..