jquery Programming Glossary: loadscript
How to know if JQuery has finished loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11160948/how-to-know-if-jquery-has-finished-loading 109 Here's some of the code from that article function loadScript sScriptSrc oCallback var oHead document.getElementsByTagName..
Google Maps Api v3 Maps in Ui-Tabs are cut http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12641798/google-maps-api-v3-maps-in-ui-tabs-are-cut myLatlng1 be sure to reset the map center as well function loadScript var script document.createElement script script.type text javascript.. initialize document.body.appendChild script window.onload loadScript i have two maps one ofr each tab. i could solve the problem..
How to detect if javascript files are loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1293367/how-to-detect-if-javascript-files-are-loaded things but as a combined technique this works function loadScript path callback var done false var scr document.createElement..
How to use jQuery with in xhtml? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888881/how-to-use-jquery-with-in-xhtml ajax xmlns rich http richfaces.ajax4jsf.org rich head a4j loadScript src jquery jquery 1.4.2.min.js a4j loadScript src jquery jquery.. head a4j loadScript src jquery jquery 1.4.2.min.js a4j loadScript src jquery jquery ui 1.8.5.custom.min.js head body h form rich..
Avoid jquery conflict in my jsf application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459174/avoid-jquery-conflict-in-my-jsf-application equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 a4j loadScript src .. .. scripts jquery 1.3.2.min.js script type text javascript.. equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 a4j loadScript src resource org richfaces renderkit html scripts jquery jquery.js.. org richfaces renderkit html scripts jquery jquery.js a4j loadScript src .. scripts highcharts.js script type text javascript jQuery.noConflict..
Is it possible to load multiple different version of jQuery on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/613808/is-it-possible-to-load-multiple-different-version-of-jquery-on-the-same-page the version of jQuery. The code is like function var myBkl loadScript function src if window.jQuery window.jQuery.fn.jquery '1.3.2'.. callback 100 init function console.log .fn.jquery myBkl.loadScript 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.3.2 jquery.js'..
best way of dynamic script loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7111131/best-way-of-dynamic-script-loading and wrote very ugly code for loading a script function loadScript url callback var isLoaded false var script document.createElement..
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded a script. EDIT I did my homework and actually extracted a loadScript function from the jQuery code to use in your bookmarklet. It.. might actually be useful to many including me . function loadScript url callback var head document.getElementsByTagName head 0 var.. loads jQuery and executes some code when jQuery is loaded loadScript http code.jquery.com jquery latest.js function 'my_element'..
How to know if JQuery has finished loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11160948/how-to-know-if-jquery-has-finished-loading reference article on how to do that http www.ejeliot.com blog 109 Here's some of the code from that article function loadScript sScriptSrc oCallback var oHead document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 var oScript document.createElement 'script' oScript.type..
Google Maps Api v3 Maps in Ui-Tabs are cut http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12641798/google-maps-api-v3-maps-in-ui-tabs-are-cut google.maps.event.trigger map1 'resize' map1.setCenter myLatlng1 be sure to reset the map center as well function loadScript var script document.createElement script script.type text javascript script.src http maps.google.com maps api js sensor.. http maps.google.com maps api js sensor false callback initialize document.body.appendChild script window.onload loadScript i have two maps one ofr each tab. i could solve the problem of the center point being hide on the left corner with this..
How to detect if javascript files are loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1293367/how-to-detect-if-javascript-files-are-loaded like. To get broad browser support you have to do two different things but as a combined technique this works function loadScript path callback var done false var scr document.createElement 'script' scr.onload handleLoad scr.onreadystatechange handleReadyStateChange..
How to use jQuery with in xhtml? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888881/how-to-use-jquery-with-in-xhtml java.sun.com jsf core xmlns a4j https ajax4jsf.dev.java.net ajax xmlns rich http richfaces.ajax4jsf.org rich head a4j loadScript src jquery jquery 1.4.2.min.js a4j loadScript src jquery jquery ui 1.8.5.custom.min.js head body h form rich panel h inputText.. ajax xmlns rich http richfaces.ajax4jsf.org rich head a4j loadScript src jquery jquery 1.4.2.min.js a4j loadScript src jquery jquery ui 1.8.5.custom.min.js head body h form rich panel h inputText id mydate value label test size 20 rich..
Avoid jquery conflict in my jsf application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459174/avoid-jquery-conflict-in-my-jsf-application why this problem occur when i load the jquery. head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 a4j loadScript src .. .. scripts jquery 1.3.2.min.js script type text javascript jQuery.noConflict script head And also i use jquery.. share improve this question I got the answer. head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 a4j loadScript src resource org richfaces renderkit html scripts jquery jquery.js a4j loadScript src .. scripts highcharts.js script type.. content text html charset UTF 8 a4j loadScript src resource org richfaces renderkit html scripts jquery jquery.js a4j loadScript src .. scripts highcharts.js script type text javascript jQuery.noConflict jQuery document .ready function .... .... script..
Is it possible to load multiple different version of jQuery on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/613808/is-it-possible-to-load-multiple-different-version-of-jquery-on-the-same-page if the object is not found. The loading will check on the version of jQuery. The code is like function var myBkl loadScript function src if window.jQuery window.jQuery.fn.jquery '1.3.2' return var s document.createElement 'script' s.setAttribute.. window.jQuery else setTimeout function myBkl.whenLoaded callback 100 init function console.log .fn.jquery myBkl.loadScript 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.3.2 jquery.js' myBkl.whenLoaded myBkl.init I use this bookmarklet builder to..
best way of dynamic script loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7111131/best-way-of-dynamic-script-loading After reading this I tried to subscribe to onreadystatechange and wrote very ugly code for loading a script function loadScript url callback var isLoaded false var script document.createElement 'script' script.onreadystatechange function if script.readyState..
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded use the same technique that jQuery uses to dynamically load a script. EDIT I did my homework and actually extracted a loadScript function from the jQuery code to use in your bookmarklet. It might actually be useful to many including me . function loadScript.. function from the jQuery code to use in your bookmarklet. It might actually be useful to many including me . function loadScript url callback var head document.getElementsByTagName head 0 var script document.createElement script script.src url Attach..