jquery Programming Glossary: loading..
tumblr audio/video players + Masonry with infinite scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165501/tumblr-audio-video-players-masonry-with-infinite-scroll 7wtblbo hsDlw78hw transparent box.png msgText Loading... debug true bufferPx 5000 errorCallback function '#infscr..
Why cant I load an external resource from jQuery load method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292486/why-cant-i-load-an-external-resource-from-jquery-load-method wrote something like #ajax .click function event #g .html Loading... #g .load http www.google.com event.preventDefault And somewhere..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled p class imagef1_upload_process align center Loading... br img src Images loader.gif p p class imagef1_upload_form..
How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430438/how-to-call-jquery-ajaxstart-ajaxcomplete indicator you can do so like this #content .html ' strong Loading... strong ' .load content loadName .php I wouldn't use the ajaxStart..
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url style display none div id movie div id startTheMovie Loading... div div div a href #movie class fancybox Click here to start..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database value 'Upload' label p class 'imagef1_upload_process' Loading... br img src 'Images loader.gif' p input type 'hidden' class..
How to show Page Loading image/div/text until the page has finished loading/rendering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1853662/how-to-show-page-loading-image-div-text-until-the-page-has-finished-loading-rend img id loading image src images ajax loader.gif alt Loading... div Then add the style class for the div and image to your..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation It could be a subtle as a small status on the page saying Loading... or as loud as an entire element graying out the page while..
How do I add a cancel button to my jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4016583/how-do-i-add-a-cancel-button-to-my-jqgrid load the result. While it is loading the user sees a box Loading... . In case the users realise they're searching for the wrong..
Disabling links with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586024/disabling-links-with-jquery container.load this .attr href else container.html Loading... event.preventDefault I want to be able to do one things change.. a div br div id 'daimokuContainer 2' style display none Loading... div div id 'doneContainer 2' style display none Loading..... div div id 'doneContainer 2' style display none Loading... div jquery asp.net mvc share improve this question To..
JQuery UI with icon on the right side of an hyperlink http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5965700/jquery-ui-with-icon-on-the-right-side-of-an-hyperlink target _blank class left margin span id contractLinkText Loading... span a ... script type text javascript function '#contractLink'..
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728261/is-it-possible-to-preload-page-contents-with-ajax-jquery-technique 0px #fefefe webkit ... style ... body div id preloader Loading... Please Wait. div div id wrapper page contents goes here div..
Using ajax to load a jQuery DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7629423/using-ajax-to-load-a-jquery-datatable source argument. The datatable however shows the message Loading... where the row s should be appearing. Here's my datatable call..
Showing loading animation in center of page while making a call to Action method in ASP .NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/807408/showing-loading-animation-in-center-of-page-while-making-a-call-to-action-method false script And special section div id spinner Loading... div Visual style is defined in CSS div#spinner display none..
How to display loading message when an iFrame is loading? — JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8626638/how-to-display-loading-message-when-an-iframe-is-loading-jquery src http google.com id foo iframe div id loadingMessage Loading... div CSS #loadingMessage width 100 height 100 z index 1000 background..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer .empty 'select#item_2' .append ' option value 0 Loading... option ' error function 'select#item_2' .attr 'disabled'..
Creating templated/persistant header/footer template in jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9152446/creating-templated-persistant-header-footer-template-in-jquery-mobile-and-phoneg Title h1 div header div data role content id content p Loading... p div content div data role footer id footer data position..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader div entries div class ajaxloader img src php.. img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader Jquery document .ready function loadData Hide..
How can I improve the page transitions for my Jquery mobile app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13986182/how-can-i-improve-the-page-transitions-for-my-jquery-mobile-app function .mobile.loader.prototype.options.text loading... .mobile.loader.prototype.options.textVisible false .mobile.loader.prototype.options.theme..
Google Maps custom infobox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15165007/google-maps-custom-infobox map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... var sites List all locations for each pin 'The Frontroom' 52.202977..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... maxWidth 150 var bikeLayer new google.maps.BicyclingLayer..
AJAX Page Download progress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399641/ajax-page-download-progress make is to show progress in other browsers and a simple loading... message for IE. Do note that there are several similar discussions..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery show loading spinner in jQuery In Prototype I can show a loading... image with this code var myAjax new Ajax.Request url method..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax var post_id this .attr rel #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load http php echo _SERVER HTTP_HOST.. this .attr rel alert post_id #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load http php echo _SERVER HTTP_HOST.. var post_link this .attr rel #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load post_link return false As you..
Where are scripts loaded after an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8234215/where-are-scripts-loaded-after-an-ajax-call h '#main' .html h script head body div id 'main' loading... div body html and that the page it loads uses a little Javascript..
Show a loading bar using jQuery while making a AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9157823/show-a-loading-bar-using-jquery-while-making-a-ajax-request a small text at the top of the page which just says loading... without blocking it . how to do this jquery ajax share improve..
tumblr audio/video players + Masonry with infinite scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165501/tumblr-audio-video-players-masonry-with-infinite-scroll loading finishedMsg No more entries to load. img http static.tumblr.com 7wtblbo hsDlw78hw transparent box.png msgText Loading... debug true bufferPx 5000 errorCallback function '#infscr loading' .animate opacity 0.8 2000 .fadeOut 'normal' function..
Why cant I load an external resource from jQuery load method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292486/why-cant-i-load-an-external-resource-from-jquery-load-method tried to load google home page on the click of a link. So I wrote something like #ajax .click function event #g .html Loading... #g .load http www.google.com event.preventDefault And somewhere in body a id ajax href http www.google.com Load file ajax..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled onsubmit return imageClickHandler this class imageuploadform p class imagef1_upload_process align center Loading... br img src Images loader.gif p p class imagef1_upload_form align center br span class imagemsg span label Image File input..
How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430438/how-to-call-jquery-ajaxstart-ajaxcomplete you would like to update its contents with a loading message indicator you can do so like this #content .html ' strong Loading... strong ' .load content loadName .php I wouldn't use the ajaxStart and ajaxStop ajaxComplete global events unless you have..
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url file.mp4 width 640 height 360 script head Body body div style display none div id movie div id startTheMovie Loading... div div div a href #movie class fancybox Click here to start the movie a body The challenge now is I have 140 video files..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database input type 'submit' name 'submitImageBtn' class 'sbtnimage' value 'Upload' label p class 'imagef1_upload_process' Loading... br img src 'Images loader.gif' p input type 'hidden' class 'numimage' name 'numimage' value ' GetFormImageCount ' p p class..
How to show Page Loading image/div/text until the page has finished loading/rendering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1853662/how-to-show-page-loading-image-div-text-until-the-page-has-finished-loading-rend needed First right after the body tag add this div id loading img id loading image src images ajax loader.gif alt Loading... div Then add the style class for the div and image to your css #loading width 100 height 100 top 0px left 0px position..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation this question You could do this various different ways. It could be a subtle as a small status on the page saying Loading... or as loud as an entire element graying out the page while the new data is loading. The approach I'm taking below will..
How do I add a cancel button to my jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4016583/how-do-i-add-a-cancel-button-to-my-jqgrid Often the query is complicated and it takes a few seconds to load the result. While it is loading the user sees a box Loading... . In case the users realise they're searching for the wrong thing the client has asked to add a cancel button to the grid..
Disabling links with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586024/disabling-links-with-jquery match 1 container.toggle if container.is visible container.load this .attr href else container.html Loading... event.preventDefault I want to be able to do one things change the link text that of which they clicked on to say something.. doneLink 2 Mark Completed a a href goals remove 86 Remove a div br div id 'daimokuContainer 2' style display none Loading... div div id 'doneContainer 2' style display none Loading... div jquery asp.net mvc share improve this question To.. a div br div id 'daimokuContainer 2' style display none Loading... div div id 'doneContainer 2' style display none Loading... div jquery asp.net mvc share improve this question To modify the link's text inside your function simply use this.text..
JQuery UI with icon on the right side of an hyperlink http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5965700/jquery-ui-with-icon-on-the-right-side-of-an-hyperlink theme. This is what I have .... a href # id contractLink target _blank class left margin span id contractLinkText Loading... span a ... script type text javascript function '#contractLink' .append ' div div ' .addClass 'ui icon ui icon newwin'..
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728261/is-it-possible-to-preload-page-contents-with-ajax-jquery-technique to preloaderBg.png no repeat cursor wait text shadow 0px 1px 0px #fefefe webkit ... style ... body div id preloader Loading... Please Wait. div div id wrapper page contents goes here div body ... feel free to comment if you need this in jQuery...
Using ajax to load a jQuery DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7629423/using-ajax-to-load-a-jquery-datatable failing to load a jQuery DataTable using the built in ajax source argument. The datatable however shows the message Loading... where the row s should be appearing. Here's my datatable call '#my table' .dataTable bFilter false bInfo false bJQueryUI..
Showing loading animation in center of page while making a call to Action method in ASP .NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/807408/showing-loading-animation-in-center-of-page-while-making-a-call-to-action-method div#spinner spinner.stop spinner.fadeOut fast spinnerVisible false script And special section div id spinner Loading... div Visual style is defined in CSS div#spinner display none width 100px height 100px position fixed top 50 left 50 background..
How to display loading message when an iFrame is loading? — JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8626638/how-to-display-loading-message-when-an-iframe-is-loading-jquery function '#loadingMessage' .css 'display' 'none' HTML iframe src http google.com id foo iframe div id loadingMessage Loading... div CSS #loadingMessage width 100 height 100 z index 1000 background #ccc top 0px left 0px position absolute share improve..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer ' 'select#item_2' .focus beforeSend function 'select#item_2' .empty 'select#item_2' .append ' option value 0 Loading... option ' error function 'select#item_2' .attr 'disabled' true 'select#item_2' .empty 'select#item_2' .append ' option..
Creating templated/persistant header/footer template in jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9152446/creating-templated-persistant-header-footer-template-in-jquery-mobile-and-phoneg div data role page id page div data role header h1 id title Title h1 div header div data role content id content p Loading... p div content div data role footer id footer data position fixed div data role navbar id navbar div div footer div page..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll #filters div id entries class clearfix div class ajaxloader img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader div entries div class ajaxloader img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader.. alt loading... div ajaxloader div entries div class ajaxloader img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader Jquery document .ready function loadData Hide Loader for Infinite Scroll 'div.ajaxloader' .hide function..
How can I improve the page transitions for my Jquery mobile app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13986182/how-can-i-improve-the-page-transitions-for-my-jquery-mobile-app .footer_text text align center style script document .on 'mobileinit' function .mobile.loader.prototype.options.text loading... .mobile.loader.prototype.options.textVisible false .mobile.loader.prototype.options.theme a .mobile.loader.prototype.options.html..
Google Maps custom infobox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15165007/google-maps-custom-infobox document.getElementById 'map_canvas' mapOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... var sites List all locations for each pin 'The Frontroom' 52.202977 0.138938 1 ' p The Frontroom. br 23 25 Gwydir Street..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... maxWidth 150 var bikeLayer new google.maps.BicyclingLayer bikeLayer.setMap map var sites 'Interfaith Medical Center' 40.67836..
AJAX Page Download progress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399641/ajax-page-download-progress code works in several browsers but not IE. The suggestion they make is to show progress in other browsers and a simple loading... message for IE. Do note that there are several similar discussions on the same site so browse the left panel for other..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery to show loading spinner in jQuery In Prototype I can show a loading... image with this code var myAjax new Ajax.Request url method 'get' parameters pars onLoading showLoad onComplete showResponse..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax .ready function .ajaxSetup cache false .trick .click function var post_id this .attr rel #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load http php echo _SERVER HTTP_HOST single home id post_id return false INDEX.PHP php get_header.. .ajaxSetup cache false .trick .click function var post_id this .attr rel alert post_id #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load http php echo _SERVER HTTP_HOST single home id post_id return false So when I clicked on.. function .ajaxSetup cache false .trick .click function var post_link this .attr rel #single home container .html loading... #single home container .load post_link return false As you can see from the above I've taken the link's rel attribute..
Where are scripts loaded after an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8234215/where-are-scripts-loaded-after-an-ajax-call .ajax type 'get' cache false url ' svc.html' success function h '#main' .html h script head body div id 'main' loading... div body html and that the page it loads uses a little Javascript in a separate file svc.html script type text javascript..
Show a loading bar using jQuery while making a AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9157823/show-a-loading-bar-using-jquery-while-making-a-ajax-request '#own' .html data while this data is loading I want to display a small text at the top of the page which just says loading... without blocking it . how to do this jquery ajax share improve this question 3nigma is on the right track but got..