jquery Programming Glossary: location.hash
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link loading the document scroll to the right position maybe location.hash has to be converted to a number first document .ready function.. a number first document .ready function window.scrollTo 0 location.hash I'm not quite sure if reload does preserve the hash tag. location.hash.. I'm not quite sure if reload does preserve the hash tag. location.hash window.pageYOffset location.reload share improve this answer..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling document.location.hash without page scrolling We've got a few pages using ajax to.. a click on the correct button on page load if document.location.hash #buttons li a .removeClass 'selected' s document.location.hash.. #buttons li a .removeClass 'selected' s document.location.hash .addClass 'selected' .attr href .replace javascript eval s ..
Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1822598/getting-url-hash-location-and-using-it-in-jquery identifier share improve this question You can use the location.hash property to grab the hash of the current page var hash window.location.hash.. to grab the hash of the current page var hash window.location.hash 'ul' hash ' first' .show Note that this property already contains..
How to scroll HTML page to given anchor using jQuery or Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3163615/how-to-scroll-html-page-to-given-anchor-using-jquery-or-javascript share improve this question function scrollTo hash location.hash # hash No jQuery required at all share improve this answer..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault the element ID from the link name. You can also sniff the location.hash on document load to open that element so the link becomes useful..
jquery - disable anchor “jump” when loading a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3659072/jquery-disable-anchor-jump-when-loading-a-page tabContent .tab_content var tabs #menu li var hash window.location.hash tabContent.not hash .hide if hash '#tab1' .fadeIn tabs.find.. from other pages so to do this the code gets the window.location.hash then shows the appropiate tab. the page doesn't jump to the.. you have a demo page You could try setTimeout function if location.hash window.scrollTo 0 0 1 Edit tested and works in Firefox IE Chrome..
Load content of a div on another page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101770/load-content-of-a-div-on-another-page a single div element from that external page. function if location.hash #content_inload .load location.hash.substring 1 #nav a .click.. page. function if location.hash #content_inload .load location.hash.substring 1 #nav a .click function #content_inload .load this.hash.substring..
How to execute JavaScript after a page is transitioned with jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5332772/how-to-execute-javascript-after-a-page-is-transitioned-with-jquery-mobile Mobile When a page do a transition to another and use the location.hash stuff this second page does not load any JavaScript. How can..
changing location.hash with jquery ui tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/570276/changing-location-hash-with-jquery-ui-tabs location.hash with jquery ui tabs I've been trying to find a way to change.. tabs I've been trying to find a way to change the window.location.hash to the currently selected tab in Jquery UI Tabs . I've tried.. ul .tabs #tabs ul .bind tabsshow function event ui window.location.hash ui.tab This results in changing the hash to #undefined when..
Fancybox: link that changes the url in address bar and links to a page with an open Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843823/fancybox-link-that-changes-the-url-in-address-bar-and-links-to-a-page-with-an-o those links. Finally call that function with the value of location.hash as your argument. Just whipped this up as a simple example... apply onClosed function id .hide break showfb location.hash 'a.fblink' .click function e showfb this .attr 'href' script..
Remember ajax added data when hitting back button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7956563/remember-ajax-added-data-when-hitting-back-button data to it. Below is the code I use. I tried to add the location.hash test but it didn't seem to work. Add search result #searchForm.. work. Add search result #searchForm .submit function event location.hash test event.preventDefault .post this .attr 'action' this .serialize.. when I hit the back button. SOLVED Changing to document.location.hash latest search didn't change anything. I had to use the localStorage..
jquery page scroll to different page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9652944/jquery-page-scroll-to-different-page 2000 function attach the hash #jumptarget to the pageurl location.hash target document .ready function 'a href # ' .bind click jump.. do this asynchronously in jump if no event is given make location.hash the target also this technique might not catch the jump in time.. var target this .attr href else var target location.hash 'html body' .animate scrollTop target .offset .top 2000 function..
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link 0 y . I'd store the position in the hash of the URL after loading the document scroll to the right position maybe location.hash has to be converted to a number first document .ready function window.scrollTo 0 location.hash I'm not quite sure if reload.. right position maybe location.hash has to be converted to a number first document .ready function window.scrollTo 0 location.hash I'm not quite sure if reload does preserve the hash tag. location.hash window.pageYOffset location.reload share improve..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling document.location.hash without page scrolling We've got a few pages using ajax to load in content and there's a few occasions where we need to.. this Below is how I'm doing this so far. function This emulates a click on the correct button on page load if document.location.hash #buttons li a .removeClass 'selected' s document.location.hash .addClass 'selected' .attr href .replace javascript eval.. a click on the correct button on page load if document.location.hash #buttons li a .removeClass 'selected' s document.location.hash .addClass 'selected' .attr href .replace javascript eval s Click a button to change the hash #buttons li a .click function..
Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1822598/getting-url-hash-location-and-using-it-in-jquery be massively appreciated Cheers jquery url hash fragment identifier share improve this question You can use the location.hash property to grab the hash of the current page var hash window.location.hash 'ul' hash ' first' .show Note that this property.. improve this question You can use the location.hash property to grab the hash of the current page var hash window.location.hash 'ul' hash ' first' .show Note that this property already contains the # symbol at the beginning. Actually you don't need..
How to scroll HTML page to given anchor using jQuery or Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3163615/how-to-scroll-html-page-to-given-anchor-using-jquery-or-javascript
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault to #thatelementsid and use unobtrusive scripting to grab the element ID from the link name. You can also sniff the location.hash on document load to open that element so the link becomes useful in other contexts. Otherwise for something that is purely..
jquery - disable anchor “jump” when loading a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3659072/jquery-disable-anchor-jump-when-loading-a-page function 'html body' .animate scrollTop 0 this is my fix var tabContent .tab_content var tabs #menu li var hash window.location.hash tabContent.not hash .hide if hash '#tab1' .fadeIn tabs.find ' href ' hash ' ' .parent .addClass 'active' tabs.click function.. tabs page directly. however I need to link to invidual tabs from other pages so to do this the code gets the window.location.hash then shows the appropiate tab. the page doesn't jump to the anchor because of return false . this event is only triggered..
Load content of a div on another page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101770/load-content-of-a-div-on-another-page content URL from the hash tag. Is there anyway to load only a single div element from that external page. function if location.hash #content_inload .load location.hash.substring 1 #nav a .click function #content_inload .load this.hash.substring 1 so.. anyway to load only a single div element from that external page. function if location.hash #content_inload .load location.hash.substring 1 #nav a .click function #content_inload .load this.hash.substring 1 so something like after .substring #inload_content..
How to execute JavaScript after a page is transitioned with jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5332772/how-to-execute-javascript-after-a-page-is-transitioned-with-jquery-mobile execute JavaScript after a page is transitioned with jQuery Mobile When a page do a transition to another and use the location.hash stuff this second page does not load any JavaScript. How can I execute JavaScript when a page is loaded if this one comes..
changing location.hash with jquery ui tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/570276/changing-location-hash-with-jquery-ui-tabs location.hash with jquery ui tabs I've been trying to find a way to change the window.location.hash to the currently selected tab in.. location.hash with jquery ui tabs I've been trying to find a way to change the window.location.hash to the currently selected tab in Jquery UI Tabs . I've tried #tabs ul .tabs #tabs ul .bind tabsshow function event ui window.location.hash.. currently selected tab in Jquery UI Tabs . I've tried #tabs ul .tabs #tabs ul .bind tabsshow function event ui window.location.hash ui.tab This results in changing the hash to #undefined when the tab is changed. I've also tried #tabs ul .tabs select function..
Fancybox: link that changes the url in address bar and links to a page with an open Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843823/fancybox-link-that-changes-the-url-in-address-bar-and-links-to-a-page-with-an-o values. Then attach the function to display the fancybox to those links. Finally call that function with the value of location.hash as your argument. Just whipped this up as a simple example. Seems to do what you want it to. DOCTYPE HTML html lang en head.. course if you're not using inline content then this may not apply onClosed function id .hide break showfb location.hash 'a.fblink' .click function e showfb this .attr 'href' script style type text css media screen I'm assuming you want..
Remember ajax added data when hitting back button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7956563/remember-ajax-added-data-when-hitting-back-button results with AJAX as if it doesn't remember that I added data to it. Below is the code I use. I tried to add the location.hash test but it didn't seem to work. Add search result #searchForm .submit function event location.hash test event.preventDefault.. I tried to add the location.hash test but it didn't seem to work. Add search result #searchForm .submit function event location.hash test event.preventDefault .post this .attr 'action' this .serialize function data tbody .append data I don't need a back.. I just want the browser to remember the last search result when I hit the back button. SOLVED Changing to document.location.hash latest search didn't change anything. I had to use the localStorage as Amir pointed out. This goes into the rest of the..
jquery page scroll to different page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9652944/jquery-page-scroll-to-different-page target scrollTop target .offset .top scrolldelay 2 seconds 2000 function attach the hash #jumptarget to the pageurl location.hash target document .ready function 'a href # ' .bind click jump return false I hope the idea is clear Thanks v.important Note.. scroll the page back to the top and call jump you'll need to do this asynchronously in jump if no event is given make location.hash the target also this technique might not catch the jump in time so you'll better hide the html body right away and show.. is your code with the above added var jump function e if e e.preventDefault var target this .attr href else var target location.hash 'html body' .animate scrollTop target .offset .top 2000 function location.hash target 'html body' .hide document .ready..