jquery Programming Glossary: load.gif
Send the download link of the uploaded file in a mail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869040/send-the-download-link-of-the-uploaded-file-in-a-mail button id button value Submit input type reset name button2 id button2 value Reset str img id loading src img ajax load.gif width 16 height 16 alt loading td tr table form success div td Also the fancy contact form using a submit.php file to send..
Refresh Image PHP and Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5150577/refresh-image-php-and-javascript a PHP image. Initially I load the image like this div id container img src image.php style 'background url .. assets load.gif no repeat center center margin left 42px ' alt ' Loading ...' width 500px height 300px div And then when I receive an event.. I do this #container .empty #container .html ' img src image.php device ' device ' style background url .. assets load.gif no repeat center center margin left 42px width 500px height 300px alt Loading ... ' device is a var that I receive from..
how to display ajax loading image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6134110/how-to-display-ajax-loading-image
jquery not proceeding to next page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6139924/jquery-not-proceeding-to-next-page waits never proceed to next page. HTML code div id toHide class pb text align center img style display inline src img load.gif form wicket id safeForm class clearfix input type hidden wicket id submitted value false form div HTML view source SCRIPT..
With jQuery, how can I implement a “page loading” animation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750358/with-jquery-how-can-i-implement-a-page-loading-animation a &ldquo page loading&rdquo animation When I submit a form using jQuery I want to display an animation image load.gif or progressbar.gif etc. for a few seconds. How can I show a GIF image in jQuery javascript jquery share improve this..