jquery Programming Glossary: location.host
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486256/how-to-get-an-ajax-get-request-to-wait-for-the-page-to-be-rendered-before-return https gist.github.com raw 2625891 waitForKeyElements.js @grant GM_addStyle UserScript if fiddle .jshell .net i.test location.host console.log Master page start... Inform the user. #plainResults .before ' div id gmFetchRez Greasemonkey is fetching results..
JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420881/javascript-jquery-method-to-find-base-url-from-a-string I find in the JavaScript world seems to revolve around gathering this information from the actual document URL using location.host or similar. Thanks in advance for any guidance javascript jquery regex string url share improve this question Edit..
How do I remove base tags from jQuery mobile scripts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15096031/how-do-i-remove-base-tags-from-jquery-mobile-scripts base tag support allows us to avoid href src attr rewriting function baseTagTest var fauxBase location.protocol location.host location.pathname ui dir base head base fauxEle null href link rebase if base.length base fauxEle base href fauxBase .appendTo..
Test if links are external with jQuery / javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910946/test-if-links-are-external-with-jquery-javascript evades me. Thanks Update Thanks to jAndy I've got a slightly modified version of what he answered hostname new RegExp location.host Act on each link 'a' .each function Store current link's url var url this .attr href Test if current host domain is in.. this .addClass 'external' javascript jquery location href share improve this question var comp new RegExp location.host 'a' .each function if comp.test this .attr 'href' a link that contains the current host this .addClass 'local' else a link..
Fastest way to detect external URLs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6238351/fastest-way-to-detect-external-urls