jquery Programming Glossary: aborting
Using JQuery Deferred and Promise http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13384564/using-jquery-deferred-and-promise . A plain integer number will be returned and is assigned to ticker . It can be used for identifying the timeout when aborting it via clearTimeout and nowhere else. .when ticker ... creates a new Deferred now. Have a look at its documentation It will..
Browser aborting Ajax requests sporadically without returning any errors [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16534543/browser-aborting-ajax-requests-sporadically-without-returning-any-errors aborting Ajax requests sporadically without returning any errors duplicate This question already has an answer here How to solve.. page. I'm having a lot of problems with them because it looks like browsers tested in Google Chrome and Firefox are aborting requests without giving me an error. I've done a clean page to test what can be causing this issue and the error persists...
How do I add a cancel button to my jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4016583/how-do-i-add-a-cancel-button-to-my-jqgrid on the client side and the process on the server will be continued. If your server will be implement the server side aborting then the code above will be not needed and you will be able to call this server aborting method directly. share improve..
Aborting jQuery JSONP request will throw error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9533848/aborting-jquery-jsonp-request-will-throw-error autocompleter plugin with jQuery. Unfortunately i have to use jsonp. It is ok and it works but when i am aborting request it will throw error. Uncaught TypeError Property 'jQuery171036404498340561986_1330693563756' of object object Window..