jquery Programming Glossary: a.canplaytype
Sound notifications in Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17791602/sound-notifications-in-opera Use feature detection instead of browser detection function isMpeg var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType a.canPlayType 'audio mpeg ' .replace no '' function isOgg var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType a.canPlayType.. detection instead of browser detection function isMpeg var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType a.canPlayType 'audio mpeg ' .replace no '' function isOgg var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType a.canPlayType 'audio.. a.canPlayType a.canPlayType 'audio mpeg ' .replace no '' function isOgg var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType a.canPlayType 'audio ogg codecs vorbis ' .replace no '' function isAAC var a document.createElement 'audio' return a.canPlayType..