jquery Programming Glossary: abbreviation
Can't get past “A jquery script reference is required in order to enable Ajax support in the ”WebGrid“ helper” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10987855/cant-get-past-a-jquery-script-reference-is-required-in-order-to-enable-ajax-su InsertionMode InsertionMode.Replace grid.Column columnName ClientName style logcolumn grid.Column columnName Abbreviation style logcolumn grid.Column columnName IsActive style logcolumn grid.Column columnName IsActive style logcolumn format.. id clientListing thead tr class duncanTableHeaders th scope col Client ID th th scope col ClientName th th scope col Abbreviation th th scope col IsActive th tr thead tfoot tr td colspan 4 1 a href # onclick #39 #clientListing #39 .load #39 Admin Client.. valid data valmsg for CurrentClient.ClientName data valmsg replace false span td tr tr td label for CurrentClient_Abbreviation Abbreviation label td td input data val true data val length Abbreviation must be 6 characters or fewer data val length..