jquery Programming Glossary: aa
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery 100 I am facing following issues here If I type input as aa99 the input changes to aa but still the generated button is.. issues here If I type input as aa99 the input changes to aa but still the generated button is enabled. I am not getting..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype firstSubgrid m1 data for subgrid for the id m1 id s1a c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac id s1b c1 ba c2 bb c3 bc id s1c c1 ca c2 cb c3.. s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca.. col2 12 subgrid data for subgrid for the id m1 id s1a c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac subgrid data for subgrid for the id m1 subgridId..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid 1.2 c3 My Value 1.3 c4 My Value 1.4 subgridData id 10 c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac c4 ad id 20 c1 ba c2 bb c3 bc c4 bd id 30 c1 ca..
$.post not posting data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18724011/post-not-posting-data src js new landing.js script script var ans1 home function aa .post ajax.php ans test function data alert Posted html script.. alert Posted html script a href # id q1 onClick javascript aa click a and this is where i want to see if my data is posted...
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1.. script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj.. onSelectRow function rowid SelectRow rowid colNames 'id' 'aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee' 'ff' 'gg' 'hh' 'ii' 'jj' 'kk' 'll' 'mm'..
Live feed of an updating file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7290515/live-feed-of-an-updating-file This is the code for the php file php filename ' home duke aa servers df var logs.log' about 500MB output shell_exec 'exec.. in it as taken from your question php filename ' home duke aa servers df var logs.log' about 500MB output shell_exec 'exec..
How to filter your jquery autocomplete data while typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7734554/how-to-filter-your-jquery-autocomplete-data-while-typing while typing So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete.. typing So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete.. So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete source..
JavaScript: Convert numbers to letters beyond the 26 character alphabet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8240637/javascript-convert-numbers-to-letters-beyond-the-26-character-alphabet like an Excel spreadsheet i.e. a b c d e......x y z aa ab ac ad etc etc How can I generate a number as a letter Should..
Get current selected option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809265/get-current-selected-option current selected option select id sel option id 1 aa option option id 2 bb option option id 3 cc option select #sel..
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery ' submit' .attr disabled true setTimeout check_the_input 100 I am facing following issues here If I type input as aa99 the input changes to aa but still the generated button is enabled. I am not getting the error at the time I type the text... true setTimeout check_the_input 100 I am facing following issues here If I type input as aa99 the input changes to aa but still the generated button is enabled. I am not getting the error at the time I type the text. Only after pressing tab..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype 11 col2 12 id m2 col1 21 col2 22 id m3 col1 31 col2 32 var firstSubgrid m1 data for subgrid for the id m1 id s1a c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac id s1b c1 ba c2 bb c3 bc id s1c c1 ca c2 cb c3 cc m2 data for subgrid for the id m2 id s2a c1 xx c2 xy c3.. for subgrid for the id m2 id s2a c1 xx c2 xy c3 xz var secondSubgrid s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid for the id m2 id 2s2a d1.. of the first demo var myData main grid data id m1 col1 11 col2 12 subgrid data for subgrid for the id m1 id s1a c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac subgrid data for subgrid for the id m1 subgridId s1a id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid of the demo var myData id 10 c1 My Value 1.1 c2 My Value 1.2 c3 My Value 1.3 c4 My Value 1.4 subgridData id 10 c1 aa c2 ab c3 ac c4 ad id 20 c1 ba c2 bb c3 bc c4 bd id 30 c1 ca c2 cb c3 cc c4 cd id 20 c1 My Value 2.1 c2 My Value 2.2..
$.post not posting data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18724011/post-not-posting-data js jquery.colorbox.js script script type text javascript src js new landing.js script script var ans1 home function aa .post ajax.php ans test function data alert Posted html script a href # id q1 onClick javascript aa click a and this is.. ans1 home function aa .post ajax.php ans test function data alert Posted html script a href # id q1 onClick javascript aa click a and this is where i want to see if my data is posted. php session_start te _POST 'ans' _SESSION 'demo' te echo pre..
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui src http mymx.biz jqGrid getGridData.js v 1 type text javascript script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup.. src http mymx.biz jqGrid getGridData.js v 1 type text javascript script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup calls.. gridview true not sure if this is needed since jqGrid 3.6 onSelectRow function rowid SelectRow rowid colNames 'id' 'aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee' 'ff' 'gg' 'hh' 'ii' 'jj' 'kk' 'll' 'mm' 'nn' colModel name 'id' width 40 name 'aa' width 40 name..
Live feed of an updating file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7290515/live-feed-of-an-updating-file to view a live feed of the action. How can this be done This is the code for the php file php filename ' home duke aa servers df var logs.log' about 500MB output shell_exec 'exec tail n50 ' . filename only print last 50 lines echo str_replace.. above to reference the correct file and put the following in it as taken from your question php filename ' home duke aa servers df var logs.log' about 500MB output shell_exec 'exec tail n50 ' . filename only print last 50 lines echo str_replace..
How to filter your jquery autocomplete data while typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7734554/how-to-filter-your-jquery-autocomplete-data-while-typing to filter your jquery autocomplete data while typing So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete source aCleanData minLength 2 Currently if you type.. to filter your jquery autocomplete data while typing So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete source aCleanData minLength 2 Currently if you type aa aaa.. to filter your jquery autocomplete data while typing So far I have the following var aCleanData 'aaa' 'aab' 'faa' 'fff' 'ffb' 'fgh' 'mmm' 'maa' '#my input' .autocomplete source aCleanData minLength 2 Currently if you type aa aaa aab..
JavaScript: Convert numbers to letters beyond the 26 character alphabet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8240637/javascript-convert-numbers-to-letters-beyond-the-26-character-alphabet to manage the sort order of the columns but each column is ordered like an Excel spreadsheet i.e. a b c d e......x y z aa ab ac ad etc etc How can I generate a number as a letter Should I define a fixed array of values Or is there a dynamic way..
Get current selected option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809265/get-current-selected-option current selected option select id sel option id 1 aa option option id 2 bb option option id 3 cc option select #sel .change function alert this .children .attr 'id' LIVE http..