jquery Programming Glossary: a.length
Finding matches between multiple JavaScript Arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11076067/finding-matches-between-multiple-javascript-arrays Array at the beginning... arrays.sort function a b return a.length b.length For completeness here's a solution that deals with..
jQuery wrap every X elements in div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11376256/jquery-wrap-every-x-elements-in-div without any success var a 'h3 ~ div.item' for var i 0 i a.length i 3 a.slice i i 3 .wrapAll ' div class row div ' Any help will..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript catch i split true return function a b if a b return 0 if a.length b.length return b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split.. a b if a b return 0 if a.length b.length return b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length.. b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J while i len2 d 0 i i i..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib c return # h.map b function a a a 0 .toString 16 return 1 a.length 0 a a .join toString function return 0 this._rgba 3 transparent..
Sort a set of li tags alphanumerically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1491678/sort-a-set-of-li-tags-alphanumerically b n.toLowerCase if a b return 0 var x ^ . d var L Math.min a.length b.length 1 while cnt L a.charAt cnt b.charAt cnt x.test b.substring..
What is the best way to do loops in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/193547/what-is-the-best-way-to-do-loops-in-javascript in JavaScript what I like the most is for var i 0 i a.length i var element a i But as tested here http www.robertnyman.com..
jquery - get url path? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2668005/jquery-get-url-path that's returned by split var a location.pathname.split if a.length 2 a 2 mine do something Note that even though array indexes..
To swap rows with columns of matrix in javascript (or jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4492678/to-swap-rows-with-columns-of-matrix-in-javascript-or-jquery Calculate the width and height of the Array var a this w a.length a.length 0 h a 0 instanceof Array a 0 .length 0 In case it is.. the width and height of the Array var a this w a.length a.length 0 h a 0 instanceof Array a 0 .length 0 In case it is a zero..
Is it possible to create a namespace in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527089/is-it-possible-to-create-a-namespace-in-jquery function var a arguments o null i j d for i 0 i a.length i i 1 d a i .split . o window for j 0 j d.length j j 1 o d..
How to get object length in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5533192/how-to-get-object-length-in-jquery I have a 'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3 and I want get it length 3 . a.length returns undefined It can be calculating in a simple loop but..
setting maxlength of textbox with javascript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6141680/setting-maxlength-of-textbox-with-javascript-or-jquery var a document.getElementsByTagName 'input' for var i 0 i a.length i if a i .type 'radio' a i .type 'checkbox' a i .maxlength 5..
jQuery autocomplete in background of input text box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6336094/jquery-autocomplete-in-background-of-input-text-box code is script type 'text javascript' function lookup a if a.length 0 #suggestions .hide else .post suggest.php query a function..
Remove li tags using javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064012/remove-li-tags-using-javascript-array right 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text a.attr 'href' .split ' ' 3 text text.substring.. world though 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text d .exec a.attr 'href' 1 if .inArray text..
Click Loads multiple videos using YOUTUBE Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7729615/click-loads-multiple-videos-using-youtube-iframe var a document.getElementsByTagName a 1 for var i 0 i a.length i 2 if #ytplayer .test a i .href continue 3 var link a i .innerHTML.match..
How to preserve text selection when opening a jQuery dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/824833/how-to-preserve-text-selection-when-opening-a-jquery-dialog t '' var a d.getElementsByTagName 'textarea' for var i 0 i a.length i if a i .selectionStart undefined a i .selectionStart a i .selectionEnd..
Finding matches between multiple JavaScript Arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11076067/finding-matches-between-multiple-javascript-arrays 2 You could first sort the outer Array to get the shortest Array at the beginning... arrays.sort function a b return a.length b.length For completeness here's a solution that deals with duplicates in the Arrays. It uses .reduce instead of .filter..
jQuery wrap every X elements in div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11376256/jquery-wrap-every-x-elements-in-div obviously grouped ALL the divs. I also tried using ~ selector without any success var a 'h3 ~ div.item' for var i 0 i a.length i 3 a.slice i i 3 .wrapAll ' div class row div ' Any help will be highly appreciated. jquery grouping share improve this..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript Levenshtein Algorithm Revisited WebReflection try split 0 0 catch i split true return function a b if a b return 0 if a.length b.length return b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J.. try split 0 0 catch i split true return function a b if a b return 0 if a.length b.length return b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J while i len2 d 0 i i i 0 while i.. function a b if a b return 0 if a.length b.length return b.length a.length if split a a.split b b.split var len1 a.length 1 len2 b.length 1 I 0 i 0 d 0 c j J while i len2 d 0 i i i 0 while i len1 J j 0 c a I d i i while j len2 d i j min d..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib function a var b this._rgba.slice c b.pop a b.push ~~ 255 c return # h.map b function a a a 0 .toString 16 return 1 a.length 0 a a .join toString function return 0 this._rgba 3 transparent this.toRgbaString f.fn.parse.prototype f.fn k.hsla.to function..
Sort a set of li tags alphanumerically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1491678/sort-a-set-of-li-tags-alphanumerically alphaNumSort m n try var cnt 0 tem var a m.toLowerCase var b n.toLowerCase if a b return 0 var x ^ . d var L Math.min a.length b.length 1 while cnt L a.charAt cnt b.charAt cnt x.test b.substring cnt false x.test a.substring cnt false cnt a a.substring..
What is the best way to do loops in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/193547/what-is-the-best-way-to-do-loops-in-javascript in JavaScript I have stumbled into several methods of looping in JavaScript what I like the most is for var i 0 i a.length i var element a i But as tested here http www.robertnyman.com 2008 04 11 javascript loop performance it should probably..
jquery - get url path? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2668005/jquery-get-url-path better to check whether there are enough items in the array that's returned by split var a location.pathname.split if a.length 2 a 2 mine do something Note that even though array indexes are zero based we want to specify 2 as the index to get what..
To swap rows with columns of matrix in javascript (or jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4492678/to-swap-rows-with-columns-of-matrix-in-javascript-or-jquery in javascript and jquery Array.prototype.transpose function Calculate the width and height of the Array var a this w a.length a.length 0 h a 0 instanceof Array a 0 .length 0 In case it is a zero matrix no transpose routine needed. if h 0 w 0 return.. and jquery Array.prototype.transpose function Calculate the width and height of the Array var a this w a.length a.length 0 h a 0 instanceof Array a 0 .length 0 In case it is a zero matrix no transpose routine needed. if h 0 w 0 return @var..
Is it possible to create a namespace in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527089/is-it-possible-to-create-a-namespace-in-jquery to replicate what YUI does include jQuery first. jQuery.namespace function var a arguments o null i j d for i 0 i a.length i i 1 d a i .split . o window for j 0 j d.length j j 1 o d j o d j o o d j return o definition jQuery.namespace 'jQuery.debug'..
How to get object length in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5533192/how-to-get-object-length-in-jquery function that can return the length of an object For example I have a 'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3 and I want get it length 3 . a.length returns undefined It can be calculating in a simple loop but may be there is a built in function for it Thank you. P.S...
setting maxlength of textbox with javascript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6141680/setting-maxlength-of-textbox-with-javascript-or-jquery or JQuery I tried the following but it didn't seem to help var a document.getElementsByTagName 'input' for var i 0 i a.length i if a i .type 'radio' a i .type 'checkbox' a i .maxlength 5 document.getElementsByTagName 'input' 1 .maxlength 3 .ready..
jQuery autocomplete in background of input text box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6336094/jquery-autocomplete-in-background-of-input-text-box is on the Google Instant search box. My current web page code is script type 'text javascript' function lookup a if a.length 0 #suggestions .hide else .post suggest.php query a function b #suggestions .html b .show script input type 'text' id..
Remove li tags using javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064012/remove-li-tags-using-javascript-array 4 Itemid 4 My other group a div li This code is not working right 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text a.attr 'href' .split ' ' 3 text text.substring 0 text.indexOf ' ' if .inArray text mygroups 0 return.. seems to do what you want. It's not the tidiest code in the world though 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text d .exec a.attr 'href' 1 if .inArray text mygroups 0 return false return true .remove It's getting all..
Click Loads multiple videos using YOUTUBE Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7729615/click-loads-multiple-videos-using-youtube-iframe See this fiddle http jsfiddle.net Y9j7R 5 Run this code on load var a document.getElementsByTagName a 1 for var i 0 i a.length i 2 if #ytplayer .test a i .href continue 3 var link a i .innerHTML.match vi ^ 4 if link function vidId 5 a i .onclick..
How to preserve text selection when opening a jQuery dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/824833/how-to-preserve-text-selection-when-opening-a-jquery-dialog t d.selection.createRange if t.text undefined t t.text if t t '' var a d.getElementsByTagName 'textarea' for var i 0 i a.length i if a i .selectionStart undefined a i .selectionStart a i .selectionEnd t a i .value.substring a i .selectionStart a i..