jquery Programming Glossary: a.ui
What does “this” mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4195970/what-does-this-mean
jQueryMobile: how to work with slider events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4583083/jquerymobile-how-to-work-with-slider-events out and must do them yourself. I hope this helps. EDIT I forgot to explain why tap on div.ui slider and taphold on a.ui slider handle. div.ui handler tap is for click tap event when user just clicks or taps a finger on slidebar. a.ui slider.. on a.ui slider handle. div.ui handler tap is for click tap event when user just clicks or taps a finger on slidebar. a.ui slider handle tabhold is after user was moving with mouse or finger left right down the slidebar and released it. Ivan ..
$(“#datePicker”).datepicker(“getDate”).getMonth is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5926508/datepicker-datepickergetdate-getmonth-is-not-a-function dp .addClass ui body c .ui datepicker calendar a dp .buttonMarkup corners false shadow false .ui datepicker calendar a.ui state active dp .addClass ui btn active selected date .ui datepicker calendar a.ui state highlight dp .addClass ui btn.. false .ui datepicker calendar a.ui state active dp .addClass ui btn active selected date .ui datepicker calendar a.ui state highlight dp .addClass ui btn up e today s date .ui datepicker calendar .ui btn dp .each function var el this remove..
Is there a way to style jquery's datepicker days? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6048342/is-there-a-way-to-style-jquerys-datepicker-days compare 0 cssClass bad return new Array enabled cssClass toolTip Create your styles .bad background red .bad a.ui state active background red color white http jqueryui.com demos datepicker #event beforeShowDay The function takes a date..