jquery Programming Glossary: a.attr
How to refresh page with jQuery Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027931/how-to-refresh-page-with-jquery-ajax
Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665820/change-the-tag-but-keep-the-attributes-and-content-jquery-javascript this question try this var a 'a#thisid' var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext.. this var a 'a#thisid' var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith '.. var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith ' p href ' ahref ' class..
Convert UL to SELECT w/OPTGROUPs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797684/convert-ul-to-select-w-optgroups .each function a this .find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a.. optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push select #sitemap .replaceWith..
Remove li tags using javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064012/remove-li-tags-using-javascript-array var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text a.attr 'href' .split ' ' 3 text text.substring 0 text.indexOf ' ' if.. a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text d .exec a.attr 'href' 1 if .inArray text mygroups 0 return false return true..
Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/754607/can-jquery-get-all-css-styles-associated-with-an-element o .extend o css2json rules r .style css2json a.attr 'style' return o function css2json css var s if css return..
How to refresh page with jQuery Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027931/how-to-refresh-page-with-jquery-ajax
Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665820/change-the-tag-but-keep-the-attributes-and-content-jquery-javascript javascript jquery dom manipulation replacewith share improve this question try this var a 'a#thisid' var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith ' p href ' ahref ' class ' aclass '.. manipulation replacewith share improve this question try this var a 'a#thisid' var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith ' p href ' ahref ' class ' aclass ' id ' aid ' ' atext ' p '.. share improve this question try this var a 'a#thisid' var ahref a.attr 'href' var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith ' p href ' ahref ' class ' aclass ' id ' aid ' ' atext ' p ' share improve this answer..
Convert UL to SELECT w/OPTGROUPs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797684/convert-ul-to-select-w-optgroups markUp.push optgroup label ' li.find a .text ' li.find li .each function a this .find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push.. option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push select #sitemap .replaceWith markUp.join '' #sitemap .change function window.location this..
Remove li tags using javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064012/remove-li-tags-using-javascript-array a div li This code is not working right 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text a.attr 'href' .split ' ' 3 text text.substring 0 text.indexOf ' ' if .inArray text mygroups 0 return false return true .remove.. tidiest code in the world though 'li' .filter function var a this .find 'a' if a.length return true var text d .exec a.attr 'href' 1 if .inArray text mygroups 0 return false return true .remove It's getting all the li's then filtering out any that..
Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/754607/can-jquery-get-all-css-styles-associated-with-an-element sheets i .cssRules for var r in rules if a.is rules r .selectorText o .extend o css2json rules r .style css2json a.attr 'style' return o function css2json css var s if css return s if css instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration for var i in css if..