jquery Programming Glossary: a.text
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions.. not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions .prepend foption.. '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions..
sort items in a dropdown list without the first item http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2048762/sort-items-in-a-dropdown-list-without-the-first-item selectId .html selectId option .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 this works fine except in cases.. selectId option .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 this works fine except in cases where in my first.. selectId ' option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 '#' selectId .html soptions .prepend..
Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665820/change-the-tag-but-keep-the-attributes-and-content-jquery-javascript var aclass a.attr 'class' var aid a.attr 'id' var atext a.text a.replaceWith ' p href ' ahref ' class ' aclass ' id ' aid '..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while #my_select option my_options.sort function a b if a.text b.text return 1 else if a.text b.text return 1 else return 0.. function a b if a.text b.text return 1 else if a.text b.text return 1 else return 0 #my_select .empty .append my_options..
jQuery/javascript - Input fields (user,pass) just like twitter's login? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6275497/jquery-javascript-input-fields-user-pass-just-like-twitters-login text in a return this var f this 0 b this g b.offset c div a.text div .css position absolute top g.top left g.left 4 cursor text..
Convert UL to SELECT w/OPTGROUPs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797684/convert-ul-to-select-w-optgroups a this .find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option.. else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push select #sitemap .replaceWith markUp.join..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'vstrError' console.log a a.text console.log b b.text jquery xml ajax cross domain share..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'vstrError' console.log a a.text console.log b b.text function for field validation #add_account_page..
jqGrid colmodel change in loadComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9666290/jqgrid-colmodel-change-in-loadcomplete by val. this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue.. option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue script..
Sorting Select box with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9887542/sorting-select-box-with-jquery it out this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue.. option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue jquery..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit foption '#sourceCars option first' var soptions .makeArray '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions .prepend foption foption.attr selected true .siblings option.. option first' var soptions .makeArray '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions .prepend foption foption.attr selected true .siblings option .removeAttr selected.. foption '#sourceCars option first' var soptions .makeArray '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions .prepend foption foption.attr selected true .siblings option..
sort items in a dropdown list without the first item http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2048762/sort-items-in-a-dropdown-list-without-the-first-item in a dropdown list function sortDropDownListByText selectId selectId .html selectId option .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 this works fine except in cases where in my first item i have a Please select and item from.. list function sortDropDownListByText selectId selectId .html selectId option .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 this works fine except in cases where in my first item i have a Please select and item from the list message..
Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665820/change-the-tag-but-keep-the-attributes-and-content-jquery-javascript
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while into a temporary array sorted then the list rebuilt var my_options #my_select option my_options.sort function a b if a.text b.text return 1 else if a.text b.text return 1 else return 0 #my_select .empty .append my_options Update 2 aug 2012 See.. then the list rebuilt var my_options #my_select option my_options.sort function a b if a.text b.text return 1 else if a.text b.text return 1 else return 0 #my_select .empty .append my_options Update 2 aug 2012 See TJ Ellis's helpful comments below..
jQuery/javascript - Input fields (user,pass) just like twitter's login? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6275497/jquery-javascript-input-fields-user-pass-just-like-twitters-login b.add c .removeClass a.css d a .extend css dimmed a if text in a return this var f this 0 b this g b.offset c div a.text div .css position absolute top g.top left g.left 4 cursor text .click function b.focus e .addClass a.css unselectable .appendTo..
Convert UL to SELECT w/OPTGROUPs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797684/convert-ul-to-select-w-optgroups optgroup label ' li.find a .text ' li.find li .each function a this .find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push select.. value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push optgroup else a li.find a markUp.push option value ' a.attr href ' a.text option markUp.push select #sitemap .replaceWith markUp.join '' #sitemap .change function window.location this .val share..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery a xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'WriteOrgResult' var b xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'vstrError' console.log a a.text console.log b b.text jquery xml ajax cross domain share improve this question Browsers do not allow cross domain AJAX..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy a xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'WriteOrgResult' var b xmlHttpRequest.responseXML .find 'vstrError' console.log a a.text console.log b b.text function for field validation #add_account_page .live 'pageinit' function event alert Add Test var..
jqGrid colmodel change in loadComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9666290/jqgrid-colmodel-change-in-loadcomplete Sort all the options by text. I could easily sort these by val. this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue script head body form form method post commandName.. options by text. I could easily sort these by val. this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue script head body form form method post commandName filterU05 action..
Sorting Select box with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9887542/sorting-select-box-with-jquery track of the selected option. var selectedValue this .val sort it out this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue jquery sorting selectbox share improve this question.. option. var selectedValue this .val sort it out this .html option this .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 Select one option. this .val selectedValue jquery sorting selectbox share improve this question If you..