javascript Programming Glossary: navigator.useragent
Differentiate IE7 browser and browser in IE7 compatibility mode question For at least IE8 and IE9 you can check whether navigator.userAgent has the substring Trident in it. An IE8 always has a Trident.. that the HTTP User Agent header might not always match navigator.userAgent . This is the case at least with IE9 that has compatiblity mode..
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] if user has mobile browser or not. I know that I can use navigator.userAgent and write that function by using regex but user agents are too.. wonu x700 yas your zeto zte i.test a.substr 0 4 check true navigator.userAgent navigator.vendor window.opera return check Hopefully everyone.. useragent matches anything like so function detectmob if navigator.userAgent.match Android i navigator.userAgent.match webOS i navigator.userAgent.match..
Attach a body onload event with JS the onload handler @end @ for Safari if WebKit i.test navigator.userAgent sniff var _timer setInterval function if loaded complete .test..
Mocking a useragent in javascript? I'm looking for a way to programmatically change navigator.userAgent on the fly. In my failed attempt to get an automated javascript.. for javascript testing. Specifically I need to change navigator.userAgent to simulate a few hundred userAgent strings to ensure proper.. ensure proper detection and coverage on a given function. navigator.userAgent is readonly so I seem stuck How can I mock navigator.userAgent..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? EDIT DO NOT USE THIS VBScript var IE_HACK msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent no no no Don't do this if.. var IE_HACK msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent no no no Don't do this if IE_HACK document.write ' script type.. some VBScript as a one time thing like this if msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent var IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script..
How do I access the HTTP request header fields via JavaScript? use document.referrer . To access the user agent use navigator.userAgent . As others have indicated the HTTP headers are not available..
What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery? iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry IEMobile Opera Mini i.test navigator.userAgent some code.. or you can combine them both to make it more accessible.. iphone ipad ipod blackberry iemobile opera mini i.test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase now .browser will return device for all above devices..
detect ipad/iphone webview via javascript iPhone iPod iPad . AppleWebKit . Safari i.test navigator.userAgent var is_safari_or_uiwebview iPhone iPod iPad . AppleWebKit i.test..
Detect version of browser improve this question navigator.sayswho function var ua navigator.userAgent N navigator.appName tem M ua.match opera chrome safari firefox.. since it spoofs Gecko navigator.sayswho function var ua navigator.userAgent tem M ua.match opera chrome safari firefox msie trident s d..
Detect if device is iOS Agent sniffing but here is how you would do it var iOS navigator.userAgent.match iPad iPhone iPod g true false You can also use the .test.. method as stated by Landon var iOS iPad iPhone iPod g.test navigator.userAgent iOS will be either true or false . Another method without using.. in a newer iOS version. You have been warned var iOS navigator.userAgent.match iPad iPhone iPod g true false iOSversion false if iOS..