javascript Programming Glossary: navigator.vendor
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] zte i.test a.substr 0 4 check true navigator.userAgent navigator.vendor window.opera return check Hopefully everyone else who wishes..
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) isChrome Chrome .test navigator.userAgent Google Inc .test navigator.vendor var isSafari Safari .test navigator.userAgent Apple Computer.. Safari .test navigator.userAgent Apple Computer .test navigator.vendor if isChrome alert You are using Chrome if isSafari alert You..
What is the Best way to do Browser Detection in Javascript? OmniWeb versionSearch OmniWeb identity OmniWeb string navigator.vendor subString Apple identity Safari versionSearch Version prop.. Version prop window.opera identity Opera string navigator.vendor subString iCab identity iCab string navigator.vendor subString.. navigator.vendor subString iCab identity iCab string navigator.vendor subString KDE identity Konqueror string navigator.userAgent..