javascript Programming Glossary: navigator.platform
How to detect my browser version and operating system using javascript? p Cookies Enabled navigator.cookieEnabled p txt p Platform navigator.platform p txt p User agent header navigator.userAgent p document.getElementById..
iOS automatic hover fix? script type text javascript document .ready function if navigator.platform iPad a .each function have to use an `each` here either a jQuery..
What is the Best way to do Browser Detection in Javascript? identity Netscape versionSearch Mozilla dataOS string navigator.platform subString Win identity Windows string navigator.platform subString.. navigator.platform subString Win identity Windows string navigator.platform subString Mac identity Mac string navigator.userAgent subString.. subString iPhone identity iPhone iPod string navigator.platform subString Linux identity Linux BrowserDetect.init http
Disable select option in IOS Safari like this early on in your script check for ios device nP navigator.platform if nP iPad nP iPhone nP iPod nP iPhone Simulator nP iPad Simulator..
Get all javascript errors on page/javascript error handling ' n userAgent ' navigator.userAgent ' n platform ' navigator.platform ' n userid ' localStorage.userid ' n language ' navigator.langauge..
jQuery/Javascript to detect OS without a plugin? system share improve this question Try var os navigator.platform Then handle the os variable accordingly for your result. You..
Detect iOS version less than 5 with JavaScript 2.0 and later. function iOSversion if iP hone od ad .test navigator.platform supports iOS 2.0 and later http TJjs1V var v navigator.appVersion..
Javascript: Detect Metro UI Version of IE either of those options will be function isWin64 return navigator.platform Win64 Full screen check Metro will always be in full screen..
Detect if device is iOS method without using Regular Expressions var iOS false p navigator.platform if p 'iPad' p 'iPhone' p 'iPod' iOS true Optimized to easily.. iDevice 'iPad' 'iPhone' 'iPod' for i iDevice.length i if navigator.platform iDevice i iOS true break The most common way of detecting the..