javascript Programming Glossary: nb
BackboneJS Rendering Problems the hierarchy of views and perform the necessary cleanups. NB sorry about the JS code I'm not familiar enough with Coffeescript..
AJAX POST and Plus Sign ( + ) — How to Encode? . For a urlencoded POST file_get_contents 'php stdin' NB decode only works for single byte encoded characters. It will..
Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database) these polyfills work together and I suppose it's not hard. NB Since I couldn't find any information on the web about this..
innerHTML: How To Avoid the node with the new DOM node built from the string. NB This is also useful when pulling in AJAX HTML page and you need..
Consolidate stacked DOM formatting elements - contenteditable DIV to remove formatting from IMG tags http tjzGg NB This is a similar question jquery consolidate stacked DOM elements.. 1 method is even faster. http tjzGg 4 NB The selectNodeContents vs selectNode share improve this answer..
How to write JavaScript function to check JRE version var versions deployJava.getJREs alert versions script NB it works in a consistent fashion across various browsers share..
Unzip files using JavaScript srcview.aspx dir js unzip dead link NB the links are dead I'll find a new host soon. Included in the..
Cross-site AJAX requests xss share improve this question maybe JSONP can help. NB youll have to change your messages to use json instead of xml..
How to access accelerometer/gyroscope data from Javascript? laptops mobile phones tablets is this known to work NB I actually already know part of the answer to this question..
What is the purpose of NodeJS module.exports and how do you use it? just a plain object whose properties may be accessed. NB if you overwrite exports then it will no longer refer to module.exports..
jQuery.when - Callback for when ALL Deferreds are no long 'unresolved' (either resolved or rejected)? which is called for both resolved and rejected promises. NB d1.resolve works as a callback in its own right it doesn't need..
Loading jQuery from Google or locally if not online ' script src local jquery X.X.X.min.js x3C script ' script NB In the code snippet above X.X.X should be replaced with the..
JavaScript pack integers and calculate arbitrary precision float: a string with the appropriate number of leading zeros. NB the exponent range of a double is 2^1024 not 10^1024 hence the..
Is there a better way to create an object-oriented class with jquery? doSomething function alert 'my name is ' this.widget_name NB The Class object demonstrated above isn't included in jQuery..
How do I add an additional window.onload event in Javascript standard window.addEventListener 'load' myFunction false NB not 'onload' else if window.attachEvent Microsoft window.attachEvent..