javascript Programming Glossary: navigates
Ajax, back button and DOM updates and DOM updates If javascript modifies DOM in page A user navigates to page B and then hits back button to get back to the page..
Mobile Safari back button . It is supposed to save complete state of page when user navigates away. When user navigates back with back button page can be.. complete state of page when user navigates away. When user navigates back with back button page can be loaded from cache very quickly...
Preventing click event with jQuery drag and drop draggabe with jQuery. These elements have click event wich navigates to another page ordinary links for example . What is the best..
how do web crawlers handle javascript ignore all JavaScript. It's best to have a sitemap that navigates around. Some like Google's are a little bit smarter. They're..
retrieve the hash in the url with php? based on the hash values. eg. if a user clicks and navigates in my website and he found a thing he wants to share then he..
How to profile and and get Javascript performance [duplicate] turn into browser memory leaks that is even after the user navigates away from the page the memory continues allocated and there's..
Detect when iframe is cross-domain, then bust out of it The functionality I'm trying to build is When a user navigates away from my site I do them a favor and bust out of the iframe... fired I'm looking for some way to A Detect when the user navigates to a different domain B Bust out of the iframe. I suspect that..
How to keep the browser history in sync when using Ajax? the app doesn't go back to the previous photo instead it navigates to the home page of the application. Is there a way to trick..
is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it? Since the unload event will fire whenever the user navigates away from the page in the pop up and not just when the window..
Access iFrame URL with JQuery / Javascript Also I need it to return the current url so if someone navigates around it should return the current page they are on. javascript..
How can I ask a web user for confirmation if he really wants to leave the page? the page. This method will fire an alert whenever the user navigates away from the page for any reason. window .bind 'beforeunload'..
Is My Page Being Loaded from the Browser Cache? function setInterval App.pollForNewItems 8000 When someone navigates away from this page to look at the details of an item a lot..
How do I get the current location of an iframe? myiframe .src 'http ' If the user navigates inside the iframe you can't anymore access the value of the.. contains the right value for the URL even if the user navigates in the iframe. If you try to access documentWindow.location.href..
Difference between onbeforeunload and onunload Using window.onunload I am able to get an alert when user navigates to a different page from myPage.html either by clicking on some.. I neither get an alert even if the user navigates to a different page from myPage.html OR if he closes the tab..
Javascript: Cancel/Stop Image Requests being download is there a way to stop them if say the user navigates away from the page displaying the image Thanks. javascript..
Browser waits for ajax call to complete even after abort has been called (jQuery) running ajax calls that I would like to abort if the user navigates to another page. The following jQuery code calls abort on all..