

javascript Programming Glossary: ne

jqPlot resizing


resizing Tell me if anyone encountered this problem I show on my page plot using jqPlot.. .ready function .jqplot.config.enablePlugins true var chLines '09 30 2010 00 00 00' 24.13 '12 31 2010 00 00 00' 28.26 '03.. 86400000 32 3 var plot .jqplot 'content chart' chLines animate .jqplot.use_excanvas Only animate if we're not using..

check if map markers are within selected bounds


selected bounds I have a map with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers.. border dashed black backgroundColor red opacity 0.5 paneStyle backgroundColor gray opacity 0.2 var dz '#dispatcher'.. action 'get' .getDragZoomObject google.maps.event.addListener dz 'dragend' function bnds alert bnds This gives me the following..

JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate]


went back to this question and decided to answer more inclined towards a method using the http detectmobilebrowsers.com function... d meego . mobile avantgo bada blackberry blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp.. . mobile avantgo bada blackberry blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp mobile...

jquery mobile: do I have to create a new panel for every page


mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm.. mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for.. create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for my Choose Language component. So that component..

Calculate lat/lng of corners of ground overlay from kml-file


lat lng of corners of ground overlay from kml file I need to find the corners.. lat lng of corners of ground overlay from kml file I need to find the corners in lat lng of a ground overlay given in.. of ground overlay from kml file I need to find the corners in lat lng of a ground overlay given in a kml file either..

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript


JavaScript the Short Date Format used in the Control Panel Regional and Language Settings I know the using the combination.. NG d M yyyy fil PH M d yyyy ps AF dd MM yy fy NL d M yyyy ne NP M d yyyy se NO dd.MM.yyyy iu Cans CA d M yyyy sr Latn RS..

fitbounds() in Google maps api V3 does not fit bounds


of my map to results 0 .geometry.viewport var geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder geocoder.geocode 'address' ' countrycode.. ' countrycode ' function results status var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds bounds results 0 .geometry.viewport.. improve this question This happens because the fitBounds needs to snap to a viewport that fits the map canvas using the..

Google's Geocoder returns wrong country, ignoring the region hint


find lat lng coordinates for a given address. var geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder geocoder.geocode 'address' address 'region'.. type in Boston it's finding Boston in US and I wanted the one in UK. How to restrict Geocoder to return locations only from.. How to restrict Geocoder to return locations only from one country or maybe from a certain lat lng range Thanks javascript..

Google Maps v3 - Automating Zoom Level?


.gmap if coll_gmap.length 0 initiate map geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder var latlng new google.maps.LatLng 34.397.. initiate map geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder var latlng new google.maps.LatLng 34.397 150.644 var myOptions zoom 13 center.. mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds loop all addressen insert into map..

SCRIPT1014: Invalid character


ae var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document.. var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document.. left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document .ready function..

Is there a way to use MongoDB query objects to filter regular JavaScript arrays?


as in the following to query a collection db.things.find x ne 3 y 'foo' I'd like to reuse that x ne 3 y 'foo' bit and use.. db.things.find x ne 3 y 'foo' I'd like to reuse that x ne 3 y 'foo' bit and use it to filter an array of JavaScript objects... arrays based on functions and even works with deeply nested objects in arrays. Craig has provided a few examples that..