javascript Programming Glossary: navigator.useragent.tolowercase
Add to favorites button return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.'..
Using Javascript to detect Google Chrome to switch CSS Use the following to detect chrome var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'chrome' 1 Source http detecting google..
JavaScript print blocked by Chrome, Workaround? the window.print function detect if browser is Chrome if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf chrome 1 wrap private vars in a closure function var..
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) .ready function Get browser chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Detect Chrome if Do something for Chrome at..
Detect phone/tablet/web client using javascript 'iemobile' 'phone' 'mobile' for i in agents if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .match ' ' agents i ' i' return true if Android webOS iPhone..
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'addPanel' return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.'..
iPad doesn't trigger resize event going from vertical to horizontal? versa. Here's the code window .resize function var agent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase var is_iphone agent.indexOf 'iphone' 1 var is_ipad agent.indexOf..
window.focus() not working in Google Chrome var that this var windowHandles var isChrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Public Members this.focus function windowHandle if windowHandle..
What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery? iphone ipad ipod blackberry iemobile opera mini i.test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase now .browser will return device for all above devices Note .browser..
Detecting mobile browsers on the web? resources detect mobile javascript.htm Detect iPhone navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .search iphone 1 In general feature detection is better than..
JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome? detection share improve this question var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'chrome' 1 However as mentioned User Agents can be..
Open webpage and parse it using JavaScript object in a cross platform manner e.g. var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if window.ActiveXObject req new XMLHttpRequest else if ua.indexOf..
Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery that http detect android JavaScript var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase var isAndroid ua.indexOf android 1 ua.indexOf mobile if isAndroid..
Running Exe in Firefox why do I get an error Run... html head script function RunExe path try var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if ua.indexOf msie 1 MyObject new ActiveXObject WScript.Shell.. html head script function RunExe path try var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if ua.indexOf msie 1 MyObject new ActiveXObject WScript.Shell..
How to detect a mobile device with javascript? get the user agent in javascript by doing this var uagent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase And then do the check's in the same format as this just using.. Iphone body html script function DetectIphone var uagent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if iphone 1 alert 'true' else alert 'false' script..
Detect Safari browser but also Chrome browser. function IsSafari var is_safari navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'safari ' 1 return is_safari javascript browser detection.. can easly use index of chrome to filter out chrome var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if ua.indexOf 'safari' 1 if ua.indexOf 'chrome' 1 alert 1 chrome..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version Here is some example detection code var os function var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase return isWin2K windows nt 5.0 .test ua isXP windows nt 5.1 .test..