javascript Programming Glossary: nc
Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab verified that the headers are set correctly using netcat nc l p 6789 . In the example below the code activates.. filter to meet your requirements. Add tabId to limit the functionality to this filter with the tabId of your tabs obtainable.. chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener function info Replace the User Agent header var headers info.requestHeaders..
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] device in jQuery 30 answers I'm looking for a function which return boolean value if user has mobile browser or.. I know that I can use navigator.userAgent and write that function by using regex but user agents are too various for different.. have no idea how to use it for my purpose i.e. create a function which return true false. javascript share improve this..
Is using an obfuscator enough to secure my JavaScript code? improve this question I'm going to tell you a secret. Once you understand it you'll feel a lot better about the fact that..
Basic Dual Contouring Theory a vertex positioned at the minimizer of the quadratic function of equation 1. For each edge that exhibits a sign change.. 1 x0 1. t0 v0 t0 v1 return x0 df x0 #Input # f implicit function # df gradient of f # nc resolution def dual_contour f df.. x0 df x0 #Input # f implicit function # df gradient of f # nc resolution def dual_contour f df nc #Compute vertices dc_verts..
How can I produce plots like this? another plot. # Sample data n 100 k 6 d matrix rnorm k n nc k d 2 d 1 # To help check the results colnames d LETTERS 1 k..