java Programming Glossary: xpath
How to access OWL documents using XPath in Java? to access OWL documents using XPath in Java I am having an OWL document in the form of an XML file... new File XpathMain.class.getResource person.xml .getFile XPathFactory factory javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance XPath.. person.xml .getFile XPathFactory factory javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xPath factory.newXPath XPathExpression..
Which Html Parser is best? [closed] With HtmlCleaner you can locate any element using XPath. For other html parsers see this SO question . share improve..
How to read XML using XPath in Java to read XML using XPath in Java I want to read XML data using XPath in Java so for.. XML using XPath in Java I want to read XML data using XPath in Java so for the information I have gathered I am not able.. I want to do Get XML file from online via its URL then use XPath to parse it I want to create two methods in it. One is in which..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? the DOM using the verbose NodeList and Node APIs. True XPath makes the life easier but still it's another learning curve.. uses a plain W3C DOM parser like JTidy in combination with XPath to extract the first paragraph of your question and the names.. of your question and the names of all answerers I am using XPath since without it the code needed to gather the information of..
How to use XPath on xml docs having default namespace to use XPath on xml docs having default namespace I want to manipulate xml.. Document dDoc builder.parse E test.xml XPath xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath NodeList nl NodeList.. Document dDoc builder.parse E test.xml XPath xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath NodeList nl NodeList xPath.evaluate..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java like this http how to java SAXCreateXPath BOUNTY UPDATE II Looking at Dimitre Novatchev answer the output.. that takes a node set parameter and produces one valid XPath expression for every member node. stylesheet buildPath.xsl xsl..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? into an object easily traverse and manipulate the DOM do XPath queries and run XSLT against it. Build an XML document in your.. easy to use open source library for working with XML XPath and XSLT ... with full support for DOM SAX and JAXP. And upcoming..
How to access OWL documents using XPath in Java? person.xml .getFile XPathFactory factory javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xPath factory.newXPath XPathExpression.. where I am going wrong. I am using Java XPath API. java xpath rdf owl share improve this question as xpath does not know.. java xpath rdf owl share improve this question as xpath does not know the namespaces you are using. try using local..
How to read XML using XPath in Java I hope I cleared my question Thanks. Kai java xml parsing xpath share improve this question You need something along the.. XPathFactory xPathfactory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xPathfactory.newXPath XPathExpression expr xpath.compile xpath_expression.. XPath xpath xPathfactory.newXPath XPathExpression expr xpath.compile xpath_expression Then you call expr.evaluate passing..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? new Tidy .parseDOM new URL url .openStream null XPath xpath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath Node question Node xpath.compile.. XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath Node question Node xpath.compile @id 'question' contains @class 'post text' p 1 .evaluate.. .getNodeValue NodeList answerers NodeList xpath.compile @id 'answers' contains @class 'user details' a 1 .evaluate..
How to use XPath on xml docs having default namespace default namespace but no prefix. Is there a way to use xpath without namespace uri just as if there is no namespace I believe.. author book title t1 book title t2 author root java xml xpath share improve this question The XPath processing for a document.. javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory import javax.xml.xpath.XPath import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java get xpath from XML node java I'm interested in advice pseudocode code.. have attribute get generate String with value of its xpath Case if node does have attributes iterate trough attribute list.. have attributes iterate trough attribute list and create xpath for each attribute including the node as well. Word of advice..
Java XPath (Apache JAXP implementation) performance factory XPathFactory.newInstance Negligible XPath xpath factory.newXPath Negligible XPathExpression expression xpath.compile.. factory.newXPath Negligible XPathExpression expression xpath.compile SomeElementName Accounts for 70 String result String.. using the JVM's default implementation of JAXP org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathFactoryImpl org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathImpl I'm really..
How to query XML using namespaces in Java with XPath? sheetId 1 r id rId1 sheets workbook any ideas java xml xpath xmlns share improve this question In the second example..
Merge Two XML Files in Java XPathFactory xPathFactory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xPathFactory.newXPath XPathExpression compiledExpression xpath.. xPathFactory.newXPath XPathExpression compiledExpression xpath .compile expression return merge compiledExpression files private..
Simplest way to query XML in Java xml resp status good status msg hi msg resp XPathFactory xpathFactory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xpathFactory.newXPath.. XPathFactory xpathFactory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xpathFactory.newXPath InputSource source new InputSource new.. xpathFactory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xpathFactory.newXPath InputSource source new InputSource new StringReader..
Parse xml using xpath and java n xml XPathFactory factory XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xPath factory.newXPath String loc NodeList nodes NodeList xPath.evaluate.. factory.newXPath String loc NodeList nodes NodeList xPath.evaluate alarm response list alarm responses alarm new InputSource..
How to access OWL documents using XPath in Java? factory javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xPath factory.newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression xPath.compile.. XPath xPath factory.newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression xPath.compile rdf RDF owl Ontology rdfs label text.. xPath factory.newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression xPath.compile rdf RDF owl Ontology rdfs label text String nameOfTheBook..
How to use XPath on xml docs having default namespace Document dDoc builder.parse E test.xml XPath xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath NodeList nl NodeList xPath.evaluate.. XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath NodeList nl NodeList xPath.evaluate author dDoc XPathConstants.NODESET System.out.println.. Document dDoc builder.parse E test.xml XPath xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath xPath.setNamespaceContext..
Create XML document using nodeList .newDocumentBuilder .parse path XPath xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression.. xPath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression xPath.compile exp NodeList nodes NodeList xPathExpression.evaluate.. .newXPath XPathExpression xPathExpression xPath.compile exp NodeList nodes NodeList xPathExpression.evaluate..
Getting element using attribute question There are ways to do this. You can use either xPath example DOM Document or SAX Parser example to retrieve attribute..