java Programming Glossary: xmleventreader
Validate an XML file against local DTD file with Java dtd private boolean sendDtd false public DTDReplacer XMLEventReader reader XMLEvent dtd super reader if dtd.getEventType XMLEvent.DTD.. XMLOutputFactory outFactory XMLOutputFactory.newInstance XMLEventReader reader inFactory .createXMLEventReader new StreamSource xmlValidate.xml.. XMLEventReader reader inFactory .createXMLEventReader new StreamSource xmlValidate.xml reader new DTDReplacer reader..
How to find unclosed tags in XML with Java? party library. Java has standart class and it will throw XMLException when it find missed end tag... XMLInputFactory inputFactory XMLInputFactory.newInstance XMLEventReader eventReader inputFactory.createXMLEventReader is utf 8 Stack.. XMLEventReader eventReader inputFactory.createXMLEventReader is utf 8 Stack StartElement stack new Stack StartElement while..
Is there a Java XML API that can parse a document without resolving character entities? XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES false XMLEventReader reader inputFactory.createXMLEventReader new FileInputStream.. false XMLEventReader reader inputFactory.createXMLEventReader new FileInputStream your file here while reader.hasNext XMLEvent..
How to parse .plist file in Java? XMLInputFactory factory XMLInputFactory.newInstance XMLEventReader parser factory.createXMLEventReader in assert parser.nextEvent.. XMLEventReader parser factory.createXMLEventReader in assert parser.nextEvent .isStartDocument XMLEvent event parser.nextTag..
NamespaceContext and using namespaces with XPath null XMLInputFactory factory XMLInputFactory.newInstance XMLEventReader evtReader factory .createXMLEventReader new StringReader ctxtTemplate.. XMLEventReader evtReader factory .createXMLEventReader new StringReader ctxtTemplate while evtReader.hasNext XMLEvent..