java Programming Glossary: xxxx
ActionListener for a specific text inside a JTextArea? ActionListener like event for a specific text like student xxxx So when I click on that text student xxxx something will happen... like student xxxx So when I click on that text student xxxx something will happen. Thank you. java swing events mouseevent..
Google Drive service account returns 403 usageLimits .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .setServiceAccountId .setServiceAccountScopes DriveScopes.DRIVE.. .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .setServiceAccountId .setServiceAccountScopes DriveScopes.DRIVE.. .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File new xxxx privatekey.p12 .setServiceAccountUser .build..
Get the correct local IP adress from java applet Exception e e.printStackTrace The result is HostName xxxx HostAddressLocal xx.xx.xx.xx hostAddress hostAddress..
Stream API in twitter Not responding cb.setDebugEnabled true cb.setOAuthConsumerKey xxxx cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret xxxx cb.setOAuthAccessToken xxx x.. true cb.setOAuthConsumerKey xxxx cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret xxxx cb.setOAuthAccessToken xxx x cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret xxxxx.. cb.setOAuthAccessToken xxx x cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret xxxxx cb.setUseSSL true TwitterStream twitterStream new TwitterStreamFactory..
Reading a Json Array in android syntax is as follows list account 1 name card number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 2002 url http balance 1.0 credit.. is as follows list account 1 name card number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 2002 url http balance 1.0 credit 1.0 displayName.. is as follows list account 1 name card number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 2002 url http balance 1.0 credit 1.0 displayName..
Javamail NTLM Authentication Failure 25 EHLO 250 Hello c xxxx pleased to meet you 250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES..
Axis2 - always getting 404 errors sendViaPost INFO Unable to sendViaPost to url xxxx org.apache.axis2.AxisFault Transport error 404 Error Not Found..
How do I connect to a Websphere Datasource with a given JNDI name? code like Context ctx new InitialContext ctx.lookup jdbc xxxx ... Can someone break this down for me EDIT 1 I've updated my..
How to convert a string with Unicode encoding to a string of letters string of letters I have a string with Unicode encoding uXXXX and I want to convert it to a regular letter UTF 8 . For example.. files I can't find them since it searches for a file with uXXXX in its name. java unix unicode encoding share improve this.. parse the text into the separate unicode digits take the uXXXX and just get XXXX then do Integer.ParseInt XXXX 16 to get a..
Implement OAuth in Java header connection.setRequestProperty User Agent XXXX OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream output.write..
How should I escape strings in JSON? specific function. All of the escapes can be written as uXXXX where XXXX is the UTF 16 code unit for that character. There.. function. All of the escapes can be written as uXXXX where XXXX is the UTF 16 code unit for that character. There are a few..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java 0xFFFFFFFF Lame Java escape IDIOT JAVA PREPROCESSOR uXXXX must be exactly 4 xdigits I can't write XXXX in this comment.. uXXXX must be exactly 4 xdigits I can't write XXXX in this comment where it belongs because the damned Java Preprocessor.. can't mind its own business. Idiots Lame Python escape UXXXXXXXX must be exactly 8 xdigits TODO Perl translation escapes..
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? be loaded by loadLibrary with a valid name. By example lib XXXX .so for linux family your should rename to
area of intersection between circle and rectangle is inside the circle The area of a circular segment XXXXX X X X X Circular segment X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXX.. segment XXXXX X X X X Circular segment X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXX 1 vertex is inside the circle The sum of the areas.. XXXXX X X X X Circular segment X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXX 1 vertex is inside the circle The sum of the areas..