java Programming Glossary: xmlfile
How to refresh XML in Jtree . You'll probably want to re factor xmlFile out of the XMLTree constructor I've hard coded it for expedience..
XML parsing in Java via Groovy String scriptXml Binding b new Binding b.setVariable xmlFile scriptXml GroovyShell shell new GroovyShell b Object ret shell.evaluate.. b Object ret shell.evaluate new XmlSlurper .parse xmlFile .book.findAll .collectEntries it.@id return..
Can I force JAXB not to convert " into ", for example, when marshalling to XML? PrintWriter printWriter new PrintWriter new FileWriter xmlFile DataWriter dataWriter new DataWriter printWriter UTF 8 DumbEscapeHandler.theInstance.. request dataWriter Instead of passing the xmlFile to marshal pass the DataWriter which knows both the encoding..
What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file? URL http xml ns j2ee web app_2_4.xsd Source xmlFile new StreamSource new File web.xml SchemaFactory schemaFactory.. validator schema.newValidator try validator.validate xmlFile System.out.println xmlFile.getSystemId is valid catch SAXException.. try validator.validate xmlFile System.out.println xmlFile.getSystemId is valid catch SAXException e System.out.println..
xml FileNotFoundException using slick2D library in java library in java private ConfigurableEmitter emitter File xmlFile new File ressources emitter.xml emitter ParticleIO.loadEmitter.. File ressources emitter.xml emitter ParticleIO.loadEmitter xmlFile If I launch the project in eclipse everything will works fine..
Problem with Java file locking mechanism (FileLock etc) this I use the following code function void readFile File xmlFile new File myFile.xml RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile.. File myFile.xml RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile xmlFile rw FileLock fl raf.getChannel .tryLock if fl null System.out.println..
FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection POST con.setDoOutput true con.setDoInput true File xmlFile new File test.xml String xml ReadWriteTextFile.getContents.. File test.xml String xml ReadWriteTextFile.getContents xmlFile con.getOutputStream .write xml.getBytes UTF 8 InputStream..
In Java, how do I parse XML as a String instead of a file? .newDocumentBuilder .parse xmlFile How can I get it to parse XML contained within a String instead..