java Programming Glossary: xoffset
Drawing a graphical histogram Graphics g super.paintComponent g if mapHistory null int xOffset 5 int yOffset 5 int width getWidth 1 xOffset 2 int height.. null int xOffset 5 int yOffset 5 int width getWidth 1 xOffset 2 int height getHeight 1 yOffset 2 Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D.. g.create g2d.setColor Color.DARK_GRAY g2d.drawRect xOffset yOffset width height int barWidth Math.max MIN_BAR_WIDTH int..
How to draw grid using swing class Java and detect mouse position when click and drag width columnCount int cellHeight height rowCount int xOffset width columnCount cellWidth 2 int yOffset height rowCount cellHeight.. col 0 col columnCount col Rectangle cell new Rectangle xOffset col cellWidth yOffset row cellHeight cellWidth cellHeight..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering viewR iconR textR object.getIconTextGap int xOffset calculateXOffset object viewR textR String textToSearch clippedText.. 3 return createHighlightAreas textToSearch fm xOffset height Creates the rectangles that contain matched characters.. @param fm the font metrics of the rendered font @param xOffset the x offset at which text rendering starts @param height the..