java Programming Glossary: xor
Java: How to draw non-scrolling overlay over ScrollPane Viewport? than I had expected. No need for LayerPane GlassPane xor based compositing... I don't know why it didn't occur to me..
What is an “internal address” in Java? ^ GVars.stwRandom A variation of Marsaglia's shift xor RNG scheme. obj ^ stwRandom is appealing but can result in undesirable.. else if hashCode 4 value intptr_t obj else Marsaglia's xor shift scheme with thread specific state This is probably the..
Is it good practice to use the XOR (^) operator in Java for boolean checks? others use around the '^' operator. java conditional xor share improve this question What's wrong with share improve..
What does the ^ operator do in Java? The ^ operator in Java ^ in Java is the exclusive or xor operator. Let's take 5^6 as example decimal binary 5 101 6 110.. Let's take 5^6 as example decimal binary 5 101 6 110 xor 3 011 This the truth table for bitwise JLS 15.22.1 and logical.. table for bitwise JLS 15.22.1 and logical JLS 15.22.2 xor ^ 0 1 ^ F T 0 0 1 F F T 1 1 0 T T F More simply you can also..
Pipe (|) operator in Java and hex and perform bitwise operations including or and xor etc. To do a bitwise or in your head or on paper compare each..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java switch A control character is what you get when you xor its codepoint with '@' 64. This only makes sense for ASCII..
Why is this statement not working in java x ^= y ^= x ^= y; to 0 You could reverse the order of the arguments to each xor expression so that the assignment is done before the variable..
XOR operation with two strings in java operation to two strings in java. java string operators xor share improve this question I would do an XOR each charAt.. comment If your input output is utf 8 and you xor a and æ you are left with an invalid utf 8 string consisting.. character . It is the char values which are being xor'ed but the byte values and this produces a character whichc..
Creating a “logical exclusive or” operator in Java new operator in Java. Where should I start java operators xor share improve this question Java does have a logical XOR..
Understanding strange Java hash function can see what is happening. The first shift of 20 positions xor with the second shift of 12 positions creates a mask that can.. better distributed higher bits. This is then applied via xor to the original value to add that randomness to the lower bits... to the lower bits. The second shift of 7 positions xor the shift of 4 positions creates a mask that can flip 0 or more..
Why swapping integer variable by XOR doesn't work in a single line? swapping integer variable by XOR doesn't work in a single line I want to swap the value of two.. swap the value of two integer variables in java using the XOR operator. This is my code int i 24 int j 17 i ^ j j ^ i i ^..
Is it good practice to use the XOR (^) operator in Java for boolean checks? it good practice to use the XOR ^ operator in Java for boolean checks I personally like the..
What is a good 64bit hash function in Java for textual strings? To combine the hash for several fields simply do an XOR multiply one with a prime and add them long hash MyHash.hash.. 'foo' aren't equal and should have a different hash code. XOR is bad as it returns 0 if both values are equal. Therefore 'foo'..
Applying a tint to an image in java Color red green blue 0 alpha needs to be zero graphics.setXORMode newColor graphics.drawImage loadImg null 0 0 graphics.dispose.. null 0 0 graphics.dispose return img Essentially the setXORMode will XOR the color you provide with the color in the source.. return img Essentially the setXORMode will XOR the color you provide with the color in the source image. If..
^ operator in java [duplicate] question This is the same as ^ in most languages just an XOR. 0 ^ 0 0 1 ^ 0 1 0 ^ 1 1 1 ^ 1 0 share improve this answer..
XOR operation with two strings in java operation with two strings in java How to do bitwise XOR operation.. operation with two strings in java How to do bitwise XOR operation to two strings in java. java string operators xor.. xor share improve this question I would do an XOR each charAt to create a new String. Like String s key StringBuilder..
Most efficient way to see if an ArrayList contains an object in Java is such a case. Implementing hashCode is best done by XOR'ing ^ operator the hashCodes of the same fields you are using..
The power operator in Java? java math int share improve this question ^ is XOR operator in java. Use Math.pow 2 8 which is 2 ^ 8 in Visual..
Creating a “logical exclusive or” operator in Java has a logical NOT operator. Problem Java has no logical XOR operator according to sun . I would like to define one. Method.. is simply defined as follows public static boolean logicalXOR boolean x boolean y return x y x y Method Call This method.. method is called in the following way boolean myVal logicalXOR x y Operator Usage I would much rather have an operator used..