java Programming Glossary: xuggler
use java-ffmpeg wrapper, or simply use java runtime to execute ffmpeg? changes and releases all the time. You should look at the Xuggler project this provides a Java API for what you want to do and..
Is there a way of placing a video in my Java game main menu this question I would suggest you taking a look at Xuggler as I think JMF is not widely used anymore. They also had a good..
Video playback in Java ( JMF, Fobs4JMF, Xuggler, FMJ ) playback in Java JMF Fobs4JMF Xuggler FMJ I need simple video playback in Java. Here are my requirements.. play video in Java Write a simple media player on top of Xuggler Xuggler is an FFMpeg wrapper for Java which seems to be a quite.. in Java Write a simple media player on top of Xuggler Xuggler is an FFMpeg wrapper for Java which seems to be a quite active..
How to decode H.264 video frame in Java environment java decode h.264 share improve this question Or use Xuggler . Works with RTP RTMP HTTP or other protocols and can decode..
How to transmit live video from within a Java application? stream and publish the stream. So far I have been using Xuggler a Java library on top of FFMPEG to encode the screenshots into.. the screenshots into a video file. This works great. Xuggler claims to be able to transmit live video via RTMP but I have.. anyone know how to stream RTMP video programmatically from Xuggler Does anyone have a suggestion on other libraries I could use..
Dealing with video (DVDs, .avi .mkv) in Java and comprehension even if I do manage to get it working Xuggler is great for what it does it's got brilliant tutorials and it's.. using 3 out of process players with no stability issues. Xuggler was great but unfortunately too low level for me the sheer amount.. if you just want to play record stream video stuff and Xuggler if you want to do any low level video work with the codecs themselves...
Playing video in Java about this already Video playback in Java JMF Fobs4JMF Xuggler FMJ JMF replacement Based on those it looks like Xuggler is..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xuggle-xuggler in java.library.path I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and Eclipse. I installed Xuggler succesfully I've checked the environment variables and everything.. in eclipse Whenever I try running any code which uses Xuggler I get the following error 2011 09 14 14 17 30 093 main ERROR.. 168 at com.xuggle.xuggler.XugglerJNI. clinit 19 at com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer...
Libraries / tutorials for manipulating video in java [closed] share improve this question You may take a look on Xuggler . Also some alternatives to JMF were covered in Wikipedia ...
use java-ffmpeg wrapper, or simply use java runtime to execute ffmpeg? have tight integration with ffmpeg. http xuggler Should you choose to go down the Runtime.exec path this Red5..
Embed .swf file to my Jframe http p gstreamer java http xuggler http 2010 08 20 flash_in_java package..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xuggle-xuggler in java.library.path no xuggle xuggler in java.library.path I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and Eclipse. I.. 2009 01 23 how to write your first xuggler application in eclipse Whenever I try running any code which.. Could not load library xuggle xuggler version 3 Visit http xuggler faq to find common..