java Programming Glossary: xpath.evaluate
i want to call a java class from the worklight adapter .getContent Node attribute Node xpath.evaluate catalogXPath source XPathConstants.NODE String serviceProvidersCatalog..
Split XML in Multiple XML files XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath NodeList nodes NodeList xpath.evaluate T0020 IRP_ACCOUNT doc XPathConstants.NODESET int itemsPerFile..
how to disable dtd at runtime in java's xpath? XPath xpath xpathFactory.newXPath String content xpath.evaluate foo bar text document .getDocumentElement System.out.println..
XPath class resolution in JBoss5 .newXPath error occurs here String result String xpath.evaluate path doc XPathConstants.STRING input.close This is the error..
Simplest way to query XML in Java source new InputSource new StringReader xml String status xpath.evaluate resp status source System.out.println satus status share improve..
Using XPath Contains against HTML in Java xpath XPathFactory.newInstance .newXPath String str String xpath.evaluate div td contains @id 'foo' text doc XPathConstants.STRING System.out.println..
NamespaceContext and using namespaces with XPath xpath.setNamespaceContext new BaseFooContext String value xpath.evaluate expression new InputSource new StringReader xml System.out.println..