

java Programming Glossary: surrounding

What is variable shadowing used for in a Java class?


of shadowing is to decouple the local code from the surrounding class. If it wasn't available then consider the following case...

Rethrowing exceptions in Java


simply rethrow the exception you've caught obviously the surrounding method has to permit this via its signature etc. . The exception..

semicolon at end of if statement


problems with empty statement by using code formatter and surrounding stuff inside if with and . By doing this Your empty statement..

Extract Integer Part in String


string that you want 0 9 That's all you need plus whatever surrounding chars it requires. Look at http www.regular expressions.info..

A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation


spaces but found 1 47 WARNING Equals sign not aligned with surrounding assignments 51 ERROR Missing function doc comment 88 ERROR Line..

What is Double Brace initialization in Java?


The created class has an implicit this pointer to the surrounding outer class. Whilst not normally a problem it can cause grief..

EventListenerList firing order


of sub panels each listening to a single JSlider . The surrounding parent panel also listens to all the sub panels. To get consistent..

Regarding Java String Manipulation


regex involved but it only trims off ending separator and surrounding quotes of a single field. You can however also grab any 3rd..

What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate]


this question In programming terms it's the larger surrounding part which can have any influence on the behaviour of the current..

Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM


because of the concern skepticism and confusion surrounding concurrency issues on SO Has java concurrency cynicism gone..

Java swing JComponent “size”


the image. So I have an image of about 200 100 and the surrounding container is about 400 200 and the mouseEntered method is fired..

Java : Expose only a single package in a jar file


need to be more tightly coupled to each other than to the surrounding software environment. Today designers are forced to declare..

The case against checked exceptions


wrong row was sought Probably not because whatever the UI surrounding my table view is it shouldn't let the user get into a state..

Escape double quotes in Java [duplicate]


into a String literal i.e. between the double quotes surrounding a java String literal One other option would be to put the String..

How to create immutable objects in Java?


will never be extended. This is indicative of the problems surrounding inheritance especially when it is applied inappropriately. public..

In Java, are enum types inside a class static?


static I can't seem to access instance members of the surrounding class from inside an enum as I could from inside an inner class... enums are static Is there any access to the scope of the surrounding class's instance or do I have to pass the instance into the..

How do I see if a substring exists inside another string in Java 1.4?


and the . at each end of the search term match any surrounding characters since String.matches works on the entire string ...

How to get surrounding method in Java source file for a given line number


to get surrounding method in Java source file for a given line number I have a..

Split string on spaces, except if between quotes (i.e. treat \“hello world\” as one token)


str while m.find list.add m.group 1 Add .replace to remove surrounding quotes. System.out.println list Output Location Welcome to india..