java Programming Glossary: quiet
Java: System.out.println and System.err.println out of order the write goes into this memory buffer. After a period of quiet they are actually written out. You write to two buffers then..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics cumulatively 1 second. It was an enjoyable challenge for a quiet Saturday evening. import javax.swing. import java.awt. import..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? Reduce noise in your measurements. Run your benchmark on a quiet machine and run it several times discarding outliers. Use Xbatch..
What is the Best practice for try catch blocks to create clean code? [duplicate] clean and high quality code . Here is my code I think it's quiet straight forward but please let me know if I'm wrong or not..
Swing rate limiting repaint will happen after an event and an N milliseconds quiet period has elapsed . What I would like is to make sure the repaint..
How are Integer arrays stored internally, in the JVM? true. This means the whole concept of object identity is quiet hard to handle for the optimized Integer array. You can cast.. end. The overhead of using Integer instead of int can be quiet large in space and time. On a typical 32 bit VM an Integer object..
Is there an accepted best-practice on making asynchronous HTTP requests in Android? it's up to you. I've found the libraries to be quiet pleasant to use when simply trying to issue a GET and read the..
Generalized Suffix Tree Java Implementation strings contains some other string 's'. The search must be quiet fast as I need to apply the search on about 100'000 candidate..