

java Programming Glossary: querystring

DBpedia Jena Query returning null


null. String service http dbpedia.org sparql String queryString queryString PREFIX rdfs http www.w3.org 2000 01 rdf schema#.. String service http dbpedia.org sparql String queryString queryString PREFIX rdfs http www.w3.org 2000 01 rdf schema# SELECT label.. . FILTER LANG label 'en' Query query QueryFactory.create queryString QueryEngineHTTP qexec QueryExecutionFactory.createServiceRequest..

HttpServletRequest to complete URL


StringBuffer requestURL request.getRequestURL String queryString request.getQueryString if queryString null return requestURL.toString.. String queryString request.getQueryString if queryString null return requestURL.toString else return requestURL.append..

Java servlet and UTF-8 problem


UTF 8 String reqUrl request.getRequestURL .toString String queryString request.getQueryString System.out.println Request reqUrl queryString.. request.getQueryString System.out.println Request reqUrl queryString ... So if I call this url http localhost 8080 servlet param..

JPA/Hibernate Native Queries do not recognize Parameters


'value' form. For example the following lines crash String queryString select from Cell c where ST_DWithin c.shape SetSRID ST_GeomFromEWKT.. lon lat ' 4326 0.1 Query query Cell.em .createNativeQuery queryString Cell.class query.setParameter lon longitude query.setParameter.. 358 The following query works however String queryString String.format select from Cell c where ST_DWithin c.shape SetSRID..

Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource


logger.info finding all States instances try final String queryString select model from States model Query query getEntityManager.. States model Query query getEntityManager .createQuery queryString return query.getResultList catch RuntimeException re throw re.. logger.info finding all States instances try final String queryString select model from States model Query query getEntityManager..

java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException in hive?


tableName try Statement stat con.createStatement String QueryString CREATE TABLE ' tableName ' User_Id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT.. VARCHAR 15 primary key User_Id a stat.executeUpdate QueryString if a 1 System.out.println a System.out.println Table has been..

Is there a Java package to handle building URLs?


URL query strings import java.net.URLEncoder public class QueryString private String query public QueryString HashMap String String.. public class QueryString private String query public QueryString HashMap String String map Iterator it mp.entrySet .iterator.. pairs.getValue if it.hasNext query public QueryString Object name Object value query URLEncoder.encode name.toString..