java Programming Glossary: qualify
Do getters and setters impact performance in C++/D/Java? I get worked up about either way. To me for something to qualify as good OOP practice it has to have some quantifiable positive..
Spring: Why do we autowire the interface and not the implemented class? you have more than one implementation then you need to qualify each of them and during auto wiring you would need to use the.. on the package where these are present then you should qualify each class with @Component as follows interface IA public void..
Java <-> Scala interop: transparent List and Map conversion hope is for our conversion Map A B java.util.Map A B to qualify for the second one. However it makes absolutely no sense for..
Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in java share improve this question The parameter of exit should qualify if the execution of the program went good or bad. It's a sort..
What is the use of interface constants? 34 And to access the constants without having to fully qualify them i.e. without having to prefix them with the class name..
gwt - Using List<Serializable> in a RPC call? instantiability Checking all subtypes of Object wich qualify for serialization It seems I can't use Serializable for my List.....
Java switch statement: Constant expression required, but it IS constant Foo.BA variables do not have initializers and hence do not qualify as constant variables . The fix is simple change the Foo.BA..
Instantiating inner class instance of type CustomHashCodeExample is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type CustomHashCodeExample..
What code analysis tools do you use for your Java projects? [closed] in the class file where FindBugs needs it. I fully qualify FindBugs warnings suppressions to avoid clashing with Java's..
Strange syntax for instantiating an inner class No enclosing instance of type Button is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type Button e.g...
The main difference between Java & C++ [closed] resolution operator in Java. It has . using which we can qualify classes with the namespace they came from. There is no goto..