java Programming Glossary: qname
How to change webservice url endpoint? the WSDL. ... URL newEndpoint new URL NEW_ENDPOINT_URL QName qname new QName http ws.mycompany.tld EchoService EchoService.. URL newEndpoint new URL NEW_ENDPOINT_URL QName qname new QName http ws.mycompany.tld EchoService EchoService service new EchoService..
JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL? url public SOAService URL wsdlLocation QName serviceName super wsdlLocation serviceName public SOAService.. public SOAService super SOASERVICE_WSDL_LOCATION new QName http SOAService @return returns SOAServiceSoap.. SOAServiceSoap getSOAServiceSOAP return super.getPort new QName http SOAServiceSOAP SOAServiceSoap.class..
How to avoid the need to specify the WSDL location in a CXF or JAX-WS generated webservice client? public final static URL WSDL_LOCATION public final static QName SERVICE new QName http StatusManagement public final.. URL WSDL_LOCATION public final static QName SERVICE new QName http StatusManagement public final static QName.. http StatusManagement public final static QName WSHttpBindingIStatus new QName http WSHttpBinding_IStatus..
Access restriction on class due to restriction on required library rt.jar? jars are available they are . Access restriction The type QName is not accessible due to restriction on required library C Program.. jre lib rt.jar The full classname is javax.xml.namespace.QName What exactly is going on here Is this a case where I am trying..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement import javax.xml.namespace.QName TODO Not sure if the versions fit with the service. import net.opengis.filter.v_1_1_0.BBOXType.. spatialOps QueryType queryType new QueryType List QName typeNames new Vector QName TODO Check parameters of QName. typeNames.add.. queryType new QueryType List QName typeNames new Vector QName TODO Check parameters of QName. typeNames.add new QName ogdwien..
Sax parsing and encoding void startElement String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts builder new StringBuilder public void characters.. public void endElement String uri String localName String qName String theFullText builder.toString share improve this answer..
Convert XML file to CSV in java public void startElement String uri String name String qName Attributes atts if item .equalsIgnoreCase qName itemHeader.. String qName Attributes atts if item .equalsIgnoreCase qName itemHeader new LinkedHashMap String Integer currentElement.. new LinkedHashMap String Integer currentElement qName content null insideElement true attribs atts @Override public..
ANDROID: Parsing XML void startElement String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException Gets called every time an.. public void endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException Gets called every time a closing tag is..
JAVA SAX parser split calls to characters() startElement String namespaceURI String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException if abc .equalsIgnoreCase.. endElement String namespaceURI String localName String qName throws SAXException if abc .equalsIgnoreCase localName this.hasABC..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser void startElement String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException content new StringBuilder.. public void endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException if localName.equalsIgnoreCase title if..
Error parsing an XML using SAX after <br> void startElement String uri String localName String qName Attributes attributes throws SAXException TODO Auto generated.. public void endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException TODO Auto generated method stub currentState..