java Programming Glossary: quicker
How do I speed up the gwt compiler? like. Ideally we'd like to make the GWT compiler itself quicker a minute to compile a fairly small application is taking the..
Spring MVC type conversion : PropertyEditor or Converter? go on using PropertyEditors... Binding is much easier and quicker. java spring data binding spring mvc type conversion share..
Understanding Enums in Java ... you can write if card.getSuit Suit.SPADES ... which is quicker and typically easier to read. Plus IDEs will typically give..
Any concept of shared memory in Java time consuming. In C where inter process communication is quicker via shared memory compared to other modes of communication...
What's the best way to check to see if a String represents an integer in Java? original code will be used by most people because it's quicker to implement and more maintainable but it's orders of magnitude..
How to represent double values as circles in a 2d matrix in java tell the difference between big values and small values quicker. Anybody has any idea how I can turn this double values into..
Can anyone quantify performance differences between C++ and Java? gains to developers so they can write applications much quicker because of garbage college lack of pointers etc. Applications..
Java: Simple SOAP Client And built the output. Do you think this is quicker than PHP Also I've got an asynchronous option. Does this mean..
How are Anonymous (inner) classes used in Java? do something. Using this method makes coding a little bit quicker as I don't need to make an extra class that implements ActionListener..
JAVA scale Image best practice a shell script command whatever hack you know it has to be quicker everything else does not matter this time. Thanks for any helpful..
How can I write a Java application that can update itself at runtime? solution is pure Java and portable the changeover will be quicker and you can more easily retain state across the restart modulo..
CRUD: To Roo or not to Roo? [closed] experience you can do it in Spring Roo just a slightly bit quicker but with both you have the application up in less than an hour..
Apache http client or URLConnection Java libraries. However I would find HttpClient code much quicker and easier to write and maintain. According to a comments below..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a terminal adb shell or ConnectBot for instance..
Real-time Java graph / chart library? [closed] is fine. I don't think a human eye can follow something quicker than this. If you want something more than this I doubt you..
ByteBuffer.allocate() vs. ByteBuffer.allocateDirect() a direct memory mapping at OS level that it would perform quicker with get put calls than HeapByteBuffer s. I never was really..
Tomcat and Eclipse Zero Turnaround Deployment does reload my web app taking just over one second much quicker than building a new war file and deploying it in full. However..
Create quick/reliable benchmark with java? substitute for the code I have in runTest that will yield quicker and more consistent results. Thanks java benchmarking share..
Hibernate batch size confusion if I just connect and execute the SQL manually I am 10 12x quicker. My batch_size is set to 50 as per many hibernate tutorials...
What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable in Java? such as JBoss Serialization which is considerably quicker and is a drop in replacement for the default. A big downside..