java Programming Glossary: quux
CollectionAssert in jUnit? l not hasItem String null assertThat l not hasItems bar quux check if two objects are equal with assertThat the following..
Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes a string vaguely like this foo bar c qual baz blurb d junk quux syzygy that I want to split by commas but I need to ignore commas.. string should split into foo bar c qual baz blurb d junk quux syzygy note this is NOT a CSV file it's a single string contained.. String args String line foo bar c qual baz blurb d junk quux syzygy String tokens line.split ^ ^ ^ for String t tokens ..
New features in java 7 [duplicate] 1_000_000 Strings in switch String s ... switch s case quux processQuux s fall through case foo case bar processFooOrBar..